So I built a new PC. This is the second one I have built, I haven't had this issue before.
It powers on with the button but there is no display using the HDMI slot in either the mobo (ASrock X470 Master SLI), or the GPU (GTX 1660 super).
The mobo has a slow flashing red LED fading in and out.
There are five 4pin sockets for fans on the mobo. CPU fan 1, CPU fan 2, Fan 1, Fan 2, Fan 3.
I can only get a fan to work in Fan 3. Whichever fan I plug into Fan 3 spins.
No other fan slots work
GPU fans spin when power is on.
I can't get the heat sink fan to spin in CPU Fan 1 or CPU Fan 2, and it won't reach the other 3 fan slots.
I can power it on with the button, but I have to switch it off by turning off the PSU, it won't power off by holding the button.
I read it can be a driver issue with the mobo if not all fans are spinning, but I can't get a display to install windows and use the mobo drivers disc
Thanks for reading and thanks for any advice
It powers on with the button but there is no display using the HDMI slot in either the mobo (ASrock X470 Master SLI), or the GPU (GTX 1660 super).
The mobo has a slow flashing red LED fading in and out.
There are five 4pin sockets for fans on the mobo. CPU fan 1, CPU fan 2, Fan 1, Fan 2, Fan 3.
I can only get a fan to work in Fan 3. Whichever fan I plug into Fan 3 spins.
No other fan slots work
GPU fans spin when power is on.
I can't get the heat sink fan to spin in CPU Fan 1 or CPU Fan 2, and it won't reach the other 3 fan slots.
I can power it on with the button, but I have to switch it off by turning off the PSU, it won't power off by holding the button.
I read it can be a driver issue with the mobo if not all fans are spinning, but I can't get a display to install windows and use the mobo drivers disc
Thanks for reading and thanks for any advice