Build Advice New PC for Excel, Data and AI for under $400 in India (without monitor) ?


Feb 20, 2024
**Approximate Purchase Date:** Within the next few days

**Budget Range:** ₹30-35k before rebates and shipping

**System Usage (Most to Least Important):**
1. Data crunching in Excel
2. Running SQL queries
3. Visualization in PowerBI
4. Some AI/ML work
5. No gaming

**Are you buying a monitor?:** No, I already have one.

**Parts to Upgrade:** Starting from scratch, reusing only a 256GB SSD, keyboard, mouse, and monitor.

**Do you need to buy OS?:** No, I already have one.

**Preferred Websites for Parts:**
- Flipkart
- Gameloot
- PrimeABGB

**Location:** Mumbai, India

**Parts Preferences:** Best value for money, open to both AMD and Intel CPUs

**Overclocking:** No

**SLI or Crossfire:** Maybe in the future

**Your Monitor Resolution:** Currently WFHD, considering upgrading to 4K

**Additional Comments:**
- PSU and case should accommodate future upgrades and possibly a high-end GPU down the line.
- A quiet PC would be a bonus.

**Why Are You Upgrading?:** My current PC is old and not keeping up with my data analysis and AI tasks.

I’d greatly appreciate any build suggestions or insights you have. I'm aiming for a setup that can handle my professional requirements efficiently while also giving me room to grow in the future.

Thank you all in advance!
You dropped your max budget by about $200;
when compared to this ^. You might want to stop creating multiple threads since it gets us nowhere.

**Parts to Upgrade:** Starting from scratch, reusing only a 256GB SSD, keyboard, mouse, and monitor.
You should mention the make and model of your SSD and the monitor in case you're in need of any adapters for the monitor.