Good to hear that, although Newegg often has some... odd... reviews.
Why are you putting games on your SSD? 95% of the games out there gain absolutely no benefit from being on an SSD... you load faster onto the map and have to sit there waiting for other players to load, woo hoo.
I would happily go with a 6300 in a recommendation for someone who is going to overclock; for someone who isn't comfortable with it, there's not compelling evidence to buy it. It's also simply NOT faster nor better than either of the intel chips we've been talking about.
If you're just arguing for the sake of getting the best answer, mate, I'll give it to you... but look at what you're doing:
1) You used hwcompare as a serious argument. That in itself is a joke, and if you haven't been told this yet, "spec" websites like that are absolutely meaningless. Go compare a GTX 9800GT with a GTX 670. It will look like the 670 is only about twice as fast as the 9800GT, when it is so far beyond it that it's a joke.
2) You're claiming that we're building "micro ITX" computers, which don't even exist. Mini-itx is a somewhat restrictive size (but there are dozens of great options for mini-itx motherboards to upgrade with). We were looking at micro-ATX motherboards, which are just as useful as full-atx motherboards, are CHEAPER, and are in no way restrictive. You seem to be saying that a gaming computer has to be big. There are a lot of us who would highly disagree with that.
3) You then go on to say that the OP should either learn how to overclock or should buy an xbox one. You're seriously insulting the guy that you're supposed to be here helping.
4) The two of us arguing is, quite simply, not even remotely productive, is filling the thread with poor information, and worst of all, confusing to someone who's new to all of this... like the person who came to us with a question in the first place.
EDIT: And you're also $100 over budget. Come on...
WIP gamer, if you have questions, you can PM either of us using the small red envelope that you see under our avatars. I'll be leaving the thread so as to not continue this disagreement.