New RAM needing new settings?


Sep 16, 2012

I've just upgraded my RAM after identifying faulty RAM with memtest. Previously, it was running 2 x A-RAM DDR2 2GB-800, and now it is running 2 x GSKILL DDR2 2GB-1066 (which IS supported by my mobo (ASUS G1-P5G43, but only in A1 and B1 DIMM slots). Then, I had some serious freezing issues with loud buzzing when playing Skyrim (ie, under load, and requiring hard restart), so retested with memtest.. all clear (of course ;)) After much painful investigation (and a repair install of Windows 7) however, this was remedied by simply allocating more memory for use by Skyrim in skyrimprefs.ini.

(for anyone who is interested: )

My question now is... there was obviously some kind of bottlenecking going on with standard settings?? I checked the memtest settings and it showed:

Chipset Intel P45/G45 FSB 333 MHz DDR2
RAM: 399 MHz (DDR799) / CAS: 5 5 5 15/ Dual Channel
SPD Info: 2048 MB DDR2 - 400 - GSKILL Intl F2-8500CL5- 2GB PK

In the BIOS of this MoBo ( of which theres is only one version, so no suggestions to update please.. already spent several days to arrive at this conclusion), there is no provision to change settings for voltage that I can work out or find, and I'm nost sure if that is even what needs to happen.

I'd really appreciate some advice on whether all the above looks correct and to just leave alone, or whether some other setting needs to be changes to adjust the system to the new RAM.

Also, my system is CLEAN!! Not overheating at all according to Real Temp, Gigabyte nVidia GTX 275 driver is up to date and not running 3D (by choice) and this system is not, and has never been overclocked... only run on factory settings.

PSU is Silverstone Element 750W.


PS, Modertor, I think I may have posted in the wrong subforum.. should this be in Memory? Please move as appropriate..


Sep 16, 2012

Yes, intuitively, this seems like an obvious thing to do, but I simply can't find this information in my BIOS screens. Any further explanation would be helpful. For example, is it called something else in the BIOS that is not obvious to those inexperienced in these things? :)

Here is the manual for anyone who might be able to help me decipher it. Chapter 5 deals with BIOS.
