New Tom's Hardware Front Page *BETA*

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You're not the only one who thinks so 😛

Improving the search function around here is near the top of every staffer's wishlist. We're hoping it can be addressed once the redesign is complete (or during the process, if we can manage it).
By the way -- for those people seeing OLD content, we are aware of the issue. I hope it's solved by now, but there was some sort of CDN issue in specific areas of the country. Not sure why, and I haven't gotten an update recently but I had actually reported it earlier this week.

Math Geek -- you still having the log in issue?
[strike]yes i still see the old screen. on both win 10 and win 7. newest update of FF on both os's[/strike]

edit: did a cache flush again and now it seems to be working correctly. i get the new homepage that claims i am signed it. plus signing out still shows the right homepage as well. no more old style hybrid thingy :)
[strike]Seems to be working for me now.[/strike]

Seems to vary depending on how long I leave my browser session open/closed. I got the old page this morning, but implicitly signing in seems to be the work around.

Thanks for the info. I haven't seen any new articles all week and was starting to wonder.
Thanks -- I'll be away for a couple days, but between me and Joe if stuff like this comes up we'll report it and try to get this solved. Appreciate the diligence and feedback.
i'm on a win 7 now which never leaves me logged in (something i did and can't figure out how to undo) but coming to the page logged out, i saw the new homepage all updated and looking pretty.

so it seems to have worked out for me anyway. i'm seeing no more of the old style homepage like i was before.

I only added 2016 AFTER going thru pages of results and only finding past years articles ... as per the subsequent post, searching on this site has never been very good.... which is why, the old layout where you could just hit the arrow to get to older articles with no scrolling and which didn't have billboard images, monster font sizes and excessive line spacing was much preferable.

Search functions, normally don't use just the title....

Here's what using "tomshardware best graphics cards 2016" brings me as first hit on Yahoo search,4380.html
Best Graphics Cards by Chris Angelini April 26, 2016 at 11:00 PM

Here's what using "tomshardware best graphics cards 2016" brings me as first hit on Google search,4380.html
Best Graphics Cards by Chris Angelini April 26, 2016 at 11:00 PM

But your sidestepping the point which is **the entire site is much more cumbersome to navigate than it was**. Why am I even needing to use the search function, never had to before. The advertising department needs to take a back seat to other staff which actually uses the site. Drop the monster fonts, excessive line spacing and pics for smaller fonts, thumbnails, better organization. We're not reading billboards in Times Square.... and please, no scrolling. Before, we could simply click a category and click back thru months / years of articles.

Now we arrive at a screen for which one can't even read the synopsis for the 1st article w/o scrolling (1080p). If we scroll past that 1st article, I see 2 more articles on screen ... each has a giant pic, headline and a synopsis below. I can see three more pics, but because of the size, I have to scroll down again, to tread their headlines / synopsis.

Rinse and repeat

Rinse and repeat

Rinse and repeat

Now I am finally at the point where I know the article I am looking for is not there and I can click "next page" and go thru the entire scroll fest again

Each pic is surrounded by from 0.5 to 1.0 inches of white space ... synopsis text is widely spaced, I feel like I'm taking an eye test at the DMV and they mistakenly pointed to the row intended for the guy with the service dog.

Having to use the search function, in or out of the site, is still much more time and effort than the 2 clicks that it used to involve.

Front page, Live feed functionality - I like it.

Much faster going between pages 1-4.
Back button = returning to the 'page' you just left. If you were on pg 3, click on a thread, do something, go 3 again.
Previous, it always returned you to pg 1.
The forum link on the new beta was horrible you could not get back to the followed thread ,i was having to log off and connect from the uk link site to be able to acces it at least if you change something made it so we can still follow the old thread whe had answer in .For the top part all red box look as plain part and not getting to visualise what you realy want to show .