Can't believe some of you guys are bashing newegg. Do you so quickly forget about how well they treat loyal customers? I can't even say how much I saved by buying stuff with the special promotional codes you get in email, or stuff that was just on sale for everyone.
For years I have wondered how they even make a profit as it feels like I'm almost stealing from them sometimes. Even their OEM products are practical, I've bought them a bunch of times and they always work just like retail. And a lot of the OEM stuff is stuff that we don't need the bundled crap for (such as cables, optical drives, and even graphics cards and if we need drivers we can get them online).
They allow people on the lowest of budgets to get something they need, whether it is via OEM or just a great sale, or even the large variety of brands they have at different prices that cater to people of all incomes.
Never have I bought something from newegg that was cheaper anywhere else, talking local retail stores or online retailers. And even if I did buy something there, like some of you guys with the quad, and found out it was cheaper somewhere else, then that is my bad. But that wouldn't happen because I always shop around before buying at newegg, just in case. And if something is cheaper elsewhere, I go elsewhere.
If newegg jacked up the price on something as they did, you can bet that they didn't want to. And you can bet that they surely knew that people wouldn't be happy about it. But as the guy said above, having known how newegg operates, I highly doubt this was something they themselves decided to do just to screw customers.
If it keeps happening for a long period of time, say for even half as long as they were giving us amazing deals, then maybe start to complain.
And for all we know, maybe it was our faults. Maybe when we bleed them out of stock buying products that are amazing deals, perhaps they aren't making so much profit on some things. If people only purchase the stuff on super sale, then they may have to jack prices up on some things. That is business.
Sales and great prices are intended not to sell out the things on sale, but to get you to do all your shopping there and to sometimes buy things that aren't always on sale.
And there is nothing wrong with that consider when something isn't on any special sale, it is still almost always just as cheap as you can get anywhere else. And when you add in their speedy service and products arriving in great shape, you should buy from there if the price is the same elsewhere or even if newegg's price is a couple dollars more expensive.
Since their shipping deals are better than anywhere and considering only 3 states pay sales tax, you'll still make out better than anywhere else.
So if they do need to sell something higher than they want to, lets not grill them. Perhaps don't buy that particular product, buy it elsewhere if there is such a big difference, but continue to support them buying other things.
You people who are saying you will never shop at newegg again because "how dare they" not have the best deal on every single product, you people will only contribute to the problem and if this is the trend then they will need to jack up prices from losing customers, and those of us who remain loyal to them have to pay.
So saying you won't buy from them again even if their prices are as good or better on other products just makes things worse. I'm sure most of you, just like myself, have spend thousands there. Had we bought elsewhere and newegg didn't exist, you would never have saved as much money as you did.
Just newegg existing has saved some of us hundreds and thousands of dollars.
And this is why I'm baffled when people complain that they just might at some point have to one time pay a few more dollars for something.
Please, don't be spoiled and dismiss newegg and all they have done in the past.
At the very least, go ahead and be pissed about a price increase on a product or two, but come on, don't abandon them. Still buy what makes sense there, that is what will keep them going strong and bring down prices.
And if some of you guys can just wait, don't you realize that if people aren't buying a certain product that they have to soon bring that price back down? And newegg is probably glad to do that.
I think bashing them at this point is way way way too early, and just disrespectful.
Without newegg, my rig wouldn't be as good as it is without being in debt. For real.