the photo imaging process is kinda nifty actually - if you can find a place that explains it well witout boring you to tears with to much technical jargon
(VERY) basically they do this - take the design they want to make the for the chip - make it BIG - take a picture of this - shrink that image - using the negative of the image though - not the actual image itself - this is pretty much where our current technology limits come into play - changing image sizes makes for a loss in clairty, nanometers are pretty small
then through some kinda process - prolly some type of bonding process that involves something like umm chroming an object or anodizing, powder coating, etc etc (which is adding a negative or positive charge to said item and letting the chemicals bond using the oposite charge) - after all, this negative image has to let actual electricity flow through it before it becomes a microchip
what happens after this i dunno - somehow the package is bonded to the silicon and the metal pins applied (needless to say very precise crap happening here) super controled invironments, no dust, temp changes, etc etc etc
ive prolly taken a very technical process and reduced it to something very bastardized - but im fairly certain that this is *basically* how the process happens