Hello this is my first post here, i am looking to upgrade my graphics card and am not sure of compatibility with my current setup, any advice would be appreciated, i know only the basics in computing. My current setup is
O/S - Windows vista 64 bit
CPU - Q6600 quad core 2.40ghz
Memory - 4gb ram
Motherboard - nForce 750i SLI ftw
GPU - Radeon HD 5500
PSU - 650w
The computer is around 3 years old i have had to change graphics cards 3 times, originally i owned a 9800gtx then onto a GTS250 now i own the Radeon 5500.. Seems the graphics cards have got worse due to my knowledge and bad advice.. I was looking at these 2 cards http://www.pccasegear.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=193_1163&products_id=17198 Radeon HD 6850
http://www.pccasegear.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=193_1164&products_id=17194 Radeon 6870 but was unsure of how the would fit in with my current system.
O/S - Windows vista 64 bit
CPU - Q6600 quad core 2.40ghz
Memory - 4gb ram
Motherboard - nForce 750i SLI ftw
GPU - Radeon HD 5500
PSU - 650w
The computer is around 3 years old i have had to change graphics cards 3 times, originally i owned a 9800gtx then onto a GTS250 now i own the Radeon 5500.. Seems the graphics cards have got worse due to my knowledge and bad advice.. I was looking at these 2 cards http://www.pccasegear.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=193_1163&products_id=17198 Radeon HD 6850
http://www.pccasegear.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=193_1164&products_id=17194 Radeon 6870 but was unsure of how the would fit in with my current system.