Normal Hardcore Stinks, Therefore.......



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It has gotten to a point where normal Hardcore stinks. It was exciting
at first but now its like you have to jump through hoops just to get to
NM in HC.

I use an Enchantress not so much for the kick ass damage but moreso for
the speed that it improves getting through normal HC.

I think as more people get into our HC gang we will be approaching a
point where we will have to end up at least rushing a crew of new
characters through normal with say a high level sorc so that people can
experience the joy and fun of HC NM.

I expect that it might even get to a point where we will have to rush
characters through at least some of NM. I'd say that the rushed
characters would at least need some halway decent resist gear to
continue on through NM and after playing for some time that gear seems
to be available on our mules in a dime a dozen manner, at least for NM.

Maybe it will even get to a point where we have to rush some characters
through late NM after we get a full crew of players in here.

I'm not sure if this is something that I'd like to see right now but
perhaps the time is approaching. Maybe a one day a week type of thing
or once every other week or maybe even just plain sporadic.

Is anybody else here getting sick of the drag out play in normal HC?

Bongo, I know your answer and I understand that pain, at least I think
I am at getting there.

Rube and the Mrs, are either of you starting to get sick of playing all
those characters through the hoops of normal?

Some of the builds I am doing in HC are similar to builds that I have
already worked on in SC. Having to drag them through normal was,
well,... it was a drag. The other newer builds, well I am having some
fun moving them through but even parts of normal were really getting to
be a boring repetition for these new builds.


Orion Ryder
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On 26 Apr 2005 06:31:11 -0700, "Orion Ryder" <>

>Is anybody else here getting sick of the drag out play in normal HC?

I don't mind questing through Normal, as long as I can get wps and
don't have to put together Khalim's Will. The only thing that really
seems to drag for me is having to level to 25 before going to A5. But
then, I like ironman, which means full clearing every area.

-- Roy L
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"Orion Ryder" <> wrote in message
> Is anybody else here getting sick of the drag out play in normal HC?
> Bongo, I know your answer and I understand that pain, at least I think
> I am at getting there.

I think it's just a case that there's very little challenge in normal
difficulty for an experienced player. Playing Solo and untwinked or even
nekkid might be a challenge, but when you're playing in a party it's just
too easy. And that's a big part of the attraction to HC, the challenge. When
there's no, or very little, chance of death, there's no joy in playing. It's
just a grind you have to get through.


Archived from groups: (More info?)

On 26 Apr 2005, "Orion Ryder" wrote:

>> It has gotten to a point where normal Hardcore stinks. It was exciting
>> at first but now its like you have to jump through hoops just to get to
>> NM in HC.
>> Opinions?

Chaos Empire mod!

Even normal HC rocks in many places.
Archived from groups: (More info?)

"Orion Ryder" <> wrote in message
> It has gotten to a point where normal Hardcore stinks. It was exciting
> at first but now its like you have to jump through hoops just to get to
> NM in HC.
> I use an Enchantress not so much for the kick ass damage but moreso for
> the speed that it improves getting through normal HC.
> I think as more people get into our HC gang we will be approaching a
> point where we will have to end up at least rushing a crew of new
> characters through normal with say a high level sorc so that people can
> experience the joy and fun of HC NM.
> I expect that it might even get to a point where we will have to rush
> characters through at least some of NM. I'd say that the rushed
> characters would at least need some halway decent resist gear to
> continue on through NM and after playing for some time that gear seems
> to be available on our mules in a dime a dozen manner, at least for NM.
> Maybe it will even get to a point where we have to rush some characters
> through late NM after we get a full crew of players in here.
> I'm not sure if this is something that I'd like to see right now but
> perhaps the time is approaching. Maybe a one day a week type of thing
> or once every other week or maybe even just plain sporadic.
> Is anybody else here getting sick of the drag out play in normal HC?
> Bongo, I know your answer and I understand that pain, at least I think
> I am at getting there.
> Rube and the Mrs, are either of you starting to get sick of playing all
> those characters through the hoops of normal?
> Some of the builds I am doing in HC are similar to builds that I have
> already worked on in SC. Having to drag them through normal was,
> well,... it was a drag. The other newer builds, well I am having some
> fun moving them through but even parts of normal were really getting to
> be a boring repetition for these new builds.
> Opinions?
> Orion Ryder

Yup, after you've been through "normal" a few times, it really gets to be a
drag. Many, if not most, character builds that can be viable in late
nightmare and all of hell require hoarding skill points to max out skills
that aren't available until character level twenty four or thirty. This
means the character is way underpowered, slow, and not much fun until they
suddenly start to come into their own. The severe experience penalty at
character levels less than twenty five compound the problem. You don't have
much choice, except to slog through early normal to level up.

Once you starting finding decent "twink" gear, there is little risk in
normal, just tedious working your way through. If you get the right
combination of areas, gear, and skill, you tend to leave your merc behind so
fast that they become useless. So, you have a choice of blasting through to
nightmare or returning to boring areas, way below your level, to let your
merc level. Once they reach level 25, they suddenly level like mad, but it
sure is slow prior to that.

In truth, I liked 1.09 much more. You could rush through until you got to
an area that you enjoyed, then level quickly in cows, and enjoy. 1.10 puts
a much bigger penalty on hardcore character death, as it is a much slower
process rebuilding one now.

So, yeah, even though I don't have much for items (most decent stuff has be
donated to me), and have playing skills that resemble a block of wood, I'm
pretty sick of normal. I've always enjoyed nightmare play, and still do.
For me, it's just the right amount of challenge and difficulty. I can't say
that I enjoy hell in 1.10 either, too much like hard work.
