[SOLVED] Not many PSU options. HELP!


Aug 24, 2020
Hi everyone! I reciently bought an EVGA 2060 KO ULTRA to start gaming on my PC which currently has this specs:

CPU: Intel core I5 4460
Motherboard: ASUS H97M-E
RAM: Kingston DDR3 8Gb 1600 Mhz
SSD: 120Gb Kingston drive
HDD: 1Tb Western Digital Blue 7200Rpm

I'm also planing on buying a 480Gb ssd from ADATA or Gibabyte to use as game storage, and probably another 8Gb RAM stick.

My current PSU is unable to feed enough power to the system, so I need to buy a new one. After looking for a decent power supply where I live (in Argentina), the only one I could find for a reasonable price is an EVGA BR 600w or 700w unit. All reviews I read on different wesites about them say these are great budget units, but after doing some research I found some user reviews saying this PSUs died on them after only a couple of weeks, and I'm now affraid to buy them. Unfortunately, the only other branded options are the Aerocool Cylon, or some Sentey units, because Corsair only sells low-wattage units and onther brands are non-existent in my area.

Should I go with the EVGA units? Or am I better off with the Aerocool ones? Will 600Watts be enough for my system? Or should I pick the 700Watt unit instead? I hope you can help me be better informed on my decision.
The peak power draw of a 2060KO is 186W. Your CPU will peak <100W).
The "requirements" have to account for good/bad/mediocre PSUs. If you purchase a decent unit, like the CV450, it's plenty for that setup.

I don't quite understand the difference in cash/card/electronic payments, so I can't really comment further.

The 500W BR is almost more than enough, and looks like it's 20-30% cheaper vs the unnecessarily higher wattage BR units.

Options really do look to be very limited in Argentina.
Remember, people who have issues are more likely to yell about it in reviews than people it 'just works' for.

The BR units are not fantastic by any stretch, but they're solid budget offerings. I'd be more confident in those than Aerocool or Sentey as a whole. While either brand has 'ok' units, if they're competing on price vs the BR lineup, then you're likely looking at the poor quality units from either.

What PSU do you have currently? Between the i5, 2060KO and the balance of your component,s you're looking at a ~300W power draw...

I gather parts are limited in Argentina at the best of times, but do you hvae any websites we could review & see if there are better options?
Remember, people who have issues are more likely to yell about it in reviews than people it 'just works' for.

The BR units are not fantastic by any stretch, but they're solid budget offerings. I'd be more confident in those than Aerocool or Sentey as a whole. While either brand has 'ok' units, if they're competing on price vs the BR lineup, then you're likely looking at the poor quality units from either.

What PSU do you have currently? Between the i5, 2060KO and the balance of your component,s you're looking at a ~300W power draw...

I gather parts are limited in Argentina at the best of times, but do you hvae any websites we could review & see if there are better options?
Thanks for the quick response! I currently have have 650w power supply from Sentey, but it only outputs 16amps on the 12v rail, meaning that my main components are not getting enough power and the pc ramdomly shuts down while gaming.

About Argentinian websites, if you want to review some I think you should look into this ones:

-https://www.mercadolibre.com.ar/ "Mercado Libre". This is the South American version of Ebay basicaly. You have listings from both massive companies and invidivual sellers.

-https://www.hardgamers.com.ar/ "Hard Gamers". This site unifies all mayor retailers from the county into one website, making it easier for you to look forma pricing and abailability.

-https://www.libreopcion.com/ "Libre Opcion". This site is also kinda like ebay, but more focused on smaller stored than big retailers. This is where you will find the best prices.

If you find something worth considering, please let me know. And thanks in advance for your help!
16A on the 12V rail and has the audacity to label itself as 650W????? 16x12 = 192W. Crazy.

You're considering the EVGA 600W BR? Looks to be around 14,800 in local currency?

Given the options available, the CV450 from Corsair is probably what I'd opt for personally @ 9,287:

There is a 500W SeaSonic A-12.
https://www.gezatek.com.ar/tienda/f...tm_source=hardgamers&utm_medium=search engine

Now, Seasonic are a reliable brand - but the A-12 is for limited markets, and I can't find much info on it. I'd probably lean towards the Corsair myself, and it's more than capable for your system.
16A on the 12V rail and has the audacity to label itself as 650W????? 16x12 = 192W. Crazy.

You're considering the EVGA 600W BR? Looks to be around 14,800 in local currency?

Given the options available, the CV450 from Corsair is probably what I'd opt for personally @ 9,287:

There is a 500W SeaSonic A-12.
https://www.gezatek.com.ar/tienda/fuentes/2535-fuente-seasonic-500w-a12-500-80-plus.html?utm_source=hardgamers&utm_medium=search engine

Now, Seasonic are a reliable brand - but the A-12 is for limited markets, and I can't find much info on it. I'd probably lean towards the Corsair myself, and it's more than capable for your system.
Yes, completely crazy I know.

About the corsair unit, the documentation on the 2060 says 500w is the bare minumin for a power supply, and multiple power calculators place my system at 430/440 watt consumption, so that's why I ruled it out. Also, the company that is currently offering it at that price is known to have its stock out of date, so I don't how realiable that price is, because they are not aswering any phone calls due to personel shortage.

About prices, I forgot to mention that most pc component sellers tend to work with 2 prices: a more expensive one for paying with cards and other types of electronica currency (because the banks than manage the cards take away a percentage of every transaction) and a cheaper one for cash. Unfortunately, my money is on an online account, and cashing out would mean losing more money than paying with card.

About the seasonic unit, the price when paying with card goes up to 18000, and at that point there is no reason to pay that much for a 500watt unit.
The peak power draw of a 2060KO is 186W. Your CPU will peak <100W).
The "requirements" have to account for good/bad/mediocre PSUs. If you purchase a decent unit, like the CV450, it's plenty for that setup.

I don't quite understand the difference in cash/card/electronic payments, so I can't really comment further.

The 500W BR is almost more than enough, and looks like it's 20-30% cheaper vs the unnecessarily higher wattage BR units.

Options really do look to be very limited in Argentina.
The peak power draw of a 2060KO is 186W. Your CPU will peak <100W).
The "requirements" have to account for good/bad/mediocre PSUs. If you purchase a decent unit, like the CV450, it's plenty for that setup.

I don't quite understand the difference in cash/card/electronic payments, so I can't really comment further.

The 500W BR is almost more than enough, and looks like it's 20-30% cheaper vs the unnecessarily higher wattage BR units.

Options really do look to be very limited in Argentina.

The whole price difference is quite hard to understand, so don't feel bad about it.

Yes, unfortunately options trully are limited here, but when the world is not going through a global pandemic you cal usually find a way to import components from other countries.

About power consumption, I think you have a very good point there. I think I might end up going with the 500w unit after all.

Thank you so much for all your help!