NTFS HELP - i'm going bananas!!!!!


Aug 23, 2003
This should be simple...
Everything works well but Norton Ghost don't manage to clone the C: partition, ruining the destination partition.
Norton Disk Doctor detects problems in "security descriptions" in C:, that don't manage to repair because WinXP is running.
In the reboot the CHKDSK don't reports any problem.
According to Symantec using CHKDSK /F /R should solve the problem, but for that I have be at DOS... and in DOS I can't access the NTFS driver...
ARGHHH!!!! 🙁
Anyone help me with a bright idea ???
I use Ghost 2003 to image my Windows XP NTFS system which is done from Ghost "DOS" disks that you can create from the program for rebooting. You can only CREATE images to FAT, FAT32 partitions and not to another NTFS for the home version. I believe their corp. version does allow NTFS>NTFS but it is much more expensive. Ghost does not do anything to the destination partition it is only creating a file image. Restoring the image will recreate your system that you imaged.

Could you have had bad drive you were creating the image on.
Norton Ghost 2003 can write to NTFS partitions without any problems. Norton Ghost 2002 can image NTFS 5.1 but it can only write to FAT partitions.
<font color=blue>Mubashar</font color=blue>

<b><font color=red><i>"All delays are dangerous in war."</b></font color=red></i>
I have the Systemworks Professional version installed which says Norton Ghost 2003 when launched. I searched Symantec's web site and below is a copy of their answer to the question. If I understand it my version will not copy NTFS to NTFS. If that does not be the case that would be great information to know.

Storing Ghost image files directly to NTFS partitions

You are using Ghost (Ghost.exe or Ghostpe.exe) to create an image of a disk or partition. You want Ghost to save the image file to a partition that has been formatted with NTFS (the Windows NT file system).

Ghost's ability to save an image file directly to an NTFS partition depends on your Ghost version:

Norton Ghost 2003 can save image files directly to NTFS partitions.
Ghost consumer versions other than Norton Ghost 2003 cannot save image files directly to NTFS partitions. See the section "Alternative storage locations." Note that the version of Ghost included in Norton SystemWorks Professional Edition is a consumer version.
The ability of Ghost corporate versions to save an image file directly to an NTFS partition depends on whether your Ghost version supports that connection type and whether that connection type supports NTFS.