Nvidia Briefly Makes Mention of Secret GTX 580

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512 CUDA cores? Not much of a jump in the number of cores for a new high end piece. Is there any info on a change in the architecture over the GTX480?
So it's speculated to be a full 512-core 400-series / Fermi-based GPU, yet it's going to get an entirely new family numbering scheme? Why? Calling it something like the GTX 480+, 485 or 490 wouldn't work?

I don't see why a fully-enabled Fermi-based GPU deserves a number series all to itself unless getting chips with 512 working cores really is that big an accomplishment. Considering the hardships NVIDIA originally had with GF100 production, maybe it is.
[citation][nom]schizofrog[/nom]512 CUDA cores? Not much of a jump in the number of cores for a new high end piece. Is there any info on a change in the architecture over the GTX480?[/citation]
The new GTX 580 will have 5000 CUDA cores, create 100 watt of power per minute, cool down the computer with it's quiet and col0.d fan, integrates GeForce, Quadro and Tesla together and be worth only $20 It will create Autostereoscopic 3D images on your monitor without 3D glasses or 120 Hz, it makes processors it's b**ch and best of all: it runs 100 times faster than the GTX 480, perform 50 times better than the Quadro 6000 and calculate 1000 times faster than the Tesla C2070.

Nah, jk. It will consume a gajillion watts of power, melt the Earth, require Tri-SLI for support of 1 monitor and cost all of the world's money. 😀

Well, one or the other.
Like anyone though they would not have a new high end card. Like anyone thought it wouldnt be called the GTX 580. How about some actual specs.
This just comes across a stunt to get peoples attention now that AMD has something new out. I do find it rather odd that they are incrementing it from 400 numbering to 500 if it is indeed only a refined Fermi instead of something truly new. But this is Nvidia we are talking about after all.
[citation][nom]Darkerson[/nom]This just comes across a stunt to get peoples attention now that AMD has something new out. I do find it rather odd that they are incrementing it from 400 numbering to 500 if it is indeed only a refined Fermi instead of something truly new. But this is Nvidia we are talking about after all.[/citation]

Yeah next thing you know they will make the GTX 580 a midrange card to dupe unsuspecting buyers. You know like AMD did with the 6870...
If they've really been trying, then hopefully the GF110 will be based on the GF104 and wind up with 576 cuda cores in 12x48.

If it's just a 'full' GF100 it likely won't make a splash at all.
[citation][nom]stm1185[/nom]Yeah next thing you know they will make the GTX 580 a midrange card to dupe unsuspecting buyers. You know like AMD did with the 6870...[/citation]
Never said I agree with what AMD did either. The numbering system on the Radeon 6850/6870 is rather stupid, considering how they had been numbering their cards in the previous generations, but the performance for the prices should speak louder then any numbering system. Anyway, It just seems rather uncanny this got "leaked" now of all times, is all I was getting at.
In my humble opinion, Nvidia intentionally planted that temporary information online. They don't have anything to say, but they want people to start talking about what they don't have to say. Let's not forget that AMD is launching the 6900 series next month.

This is just marketing 101, just a tactic. THey must wave something at their customers while their product is still in the lab in the egg cooking test.

Until Nvidia talks about it openly and sets a launch timeframe, I'm inclined to look back at Nvidia's not very ethical tactics and just wait for them to talk.

The truth is that, after six months, Nvidia is, to this day, unable to refine and bring to market the fully fledged, 512 cores GPU they designed for the GTX 480 (a GTX 480 Ultra anyone?) This may have the economics behind it, but it doesn't sound right from a technological prowess viewpoint they like so much to brag about.
I hope it's true, perhaps they've returned to the 6 month development cycle that made them so successful in the past.

It will be extra interesting to see nvidia and ati release products at the same time, but neither company has released anything other than relatively minor increments
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