[citation][nom]serkol[/nom]You Mac-haters are really funny. Have you missed that iMac is a monitor PLUS a computer in the monitor case?Look at your PC tower. And now look at your monitor. Now try to figure out how you can put your PC's power supply, motherboard, heatsink, fans, hard drive, DVD drive - in your monitor case, leaving the monitor insides there too. The fact that Apple have managed to squeeze i7 quad core and ATI 4850 and the required power supply there is just amazing.[/citation]
[citation][nom]serkol[/nom]@manosI also use only AMD and ATI in my PCs, which I build myself and overclock, but I use them mostly because I want to support my new home country Canada![/citation]
serkol, stick to ur programing. You have no clue when it comes to PC (a MAC is a PC - Personal Computer. Don't give me that MAC Crap.)hardware. And it goes to show, how you pathetic you look for posting that. Most Programers I know, have very little knowledge in PC hardware. If you really knew anything about PC hardware, you'd know Apple isn't the only one who builds the "all-in-one" like you so adamantly stated.
[citation][nom]Mardy Matt[/nom]People buy Macs because a lot of the professional-standard software comes on Mac. Final Cut Pro, an industry standard video-editing program is only available on Mac. Windows is a clunky operating system - registries? Come on![/citation]
Another idiot. I guess you can't fix stupid.
[citation][nom]liquidsnake718[/nom]Ugh... Macs are just PC's with higher end PC parts and a propriortory operating system[/citation]
Well at least you understand the underlying MAC "Wool-over-eyes" concept. Adillhoff already corrected you. Macs never use current hardware. Macs have always used yesterdays.
[citation][nom]megamanx00[/nom]WTF is he smoking?[/citation]
I'd like to know too. Damn, what ever he is smoking must be the sChitZ!
WTF is going on at Toms nowadays? This site is basically for Tech Heads and from all the posts, it looks like its being over runned by your average joe/jane who thinks they are tech savvy. I have nothing aginst these type of people visiting this website but when they start posting stupid comments and think they know it all, they deserve to get bashed. Also I see more and more young bucks without a clue always ranting along with these clueless joe/jane who think they are soooo techy.
Either that or its all the MAC Heads who resembles Paris Hilton (*cough*..they think they are smart. And Yes, I'd still do her, who wouldn't?).
Brown Noser, Butt Kisser, etc...Nvidia is doing just that here.
Nuff said.