xyriin :
You're missing the scientific principle behind a radiator. Heat removal by a radiator is a function of delta T (or difference in temperature). There is never a single correct answer for any setup, as often the #1 factor in intake or exhaust is what type of cooler your GPU(s) are using.
There is only one scientific principle in play and that is the Law of Thermodynamics.
1. Yes, Delta T is the factor which will determine the effectiveness of the cooling
2. Yes, there is a single correct answer for every setup. The cooler the INTAKE air is, the more effective the cooling solution will be... no exceptions. You bought the water cooler for what ? To keep CPU temps down because, when overclocked to the level you want to run at, you are concerned about the temp of your CPU. Is there any other thing inside your case that you are concerned about reaching a hi temperature ? If there was, I can only assume you would water cool that too.
3. Logic dictates that interior case air temps will be warmer than exterior air temps. Therefore there can be no exceptions. Using cooler exterior air will always produce lower CPU temps than using hotter interior case air. As far as the impact on interior components, logically there is an impact. But the simple fact is when ,measured, it is small. At least that's what we have measured in every build we have done.
In an intake radiator setup your cooling air is room temperature (we'll use 70F). Now let's use 70C (158F) for the CPU temp. Assuming you get perfect equilibrium (doesn't happen but we're trying to keep this simple) you're dumping 114F exhaust air into your case.
No where near it.
The threshold of pain for touching any surface inside your PC is 111 F. And yes if their air inside your PC is 114F, all surfaces within the PC will be 114F.
We are talking about a water cooling system and this is the "reality". These are real measurements taken just seconds ago on an overclocked 4770k (4.6 Ghz .... 1.387v) with core temps ranging from 69 to 74C and 6 temp sensors with CPU at 100% load under RoG Real Bench
Intake Air = 21.8C
Interior Case Air = 25.7
Radiator In Water Temp = 29.1
Radiator Out Water Temp = 28.6
So as we see, 25.1 C is not anywhere near 114F, its barely above room temperature on a warm day at 77C. Is there a concern about any component within the case being affected by 25.1C air ?
It comes down to this
Delta T Intake = 29.1 - 21.8 = 7.3C
Delta T Exhaust = 25.7 - 21.8 = 3.9C
The radiator / CPU cooling is 1.87 times as effective as intake.
I can't get a 980 series card to break 70-75C "on air" so with a throttling temperature of 84C, what is our concern ? According to techpowerup....
Gigabyte hits 66C OCd
Asus Matric hits 61C OCd
MSI Gaming hits 67C OCd
Add 10C for the top card (assuming you didn't buy a proper MoBo and nor install a side panel or back of HD cage fan) ... are we throttling yet ? Nope, so why do we care ?
Testing shows that an intake exhaust configuration leads to slightly lower CPU temps but it also leads to HIGHER GPU temps (again because you're dropping the CPU bomb in the bunker). However there is a massive variable I hinted at above, your GPU coolers. If you're using a reference style GPU cooler then the exhaust setup will be superior because the GPU isn't dumping exhaust heat into the case, it's dumping it outside the case leaving your ambient temps low.
No, while it may seem logical at 1st glance, this is not supported by testing. Ever review always show the blower style coolers with a hotter GPU. So the CPU tests show the CPU cooler with intake fans and the tests show conclusively that GPUs run hotter on blower style coolers and, .... lets not forget, blower style coolers are running at lower OCs.
Let's not forget that the cards with blower style coolers ARE THROTTLING in the published tests. The open coolers are 17 to 23C below the throttling point.
Again, we uses 6 temp sensors, infrared thermometer, fog machine, 6 channel temperature display (which displays 0.1C accuracy of sensors), and HWiNFO64 as well as other utilities.
First off the GPUs are NOT dumping
all that air outside your case. There is plenty of air leakage from the cooler shroud ..... then there's also thermal radiation.
1. When you design a radiator system, the radiators are designed to dissipate just 60% of the heat load of your CPU / GPUs (and whatever else is water cooled). That means that 40% is radiated from component enclosures, shrouds, PCBs, tubing, backplates and other surfaces inside your case. Those 2 x 250 watts GPUs and OCd 125 watt CPU ... w/ all water cooled and ignoring everything else, you have 250 watts heating air inside your case from thermal radiation and 375 being cooled by the radiator.... and that's not even counting PSU, Optical (10 watts), HDs (5-10 watts), RAM , MoBo (40 watts) , water pump (20 watts) whatever
2. Your blower cooler does not exhaust 100% of the air outside the case. The blower coolers have their place ... that being non-overclocked small ITX builds w/ inadequate case air flow where you have nothing else to exhaust that air. But in mid size case you not only have the case fan inlets and outlets you have the case grilles. Your design goal should be at worst, one 140mm, 1250 rpm fan for every 100 watts of heat generation.
3. One mistake many folks make is trying to balance intake an exhaust fans in the idea that "equilibrium" is a good thing ... it's not. Doing so, eliminate on of the cases best cooling features ... open grilles. Using radiator fans as intakes you are doing 1 of 3 things:
a) You have more fans blowing in than out resulting in slightly more air coming in than going out thru fans. This means you have slight positive pressure (good for keeping dust out) and you are pushing a small amount of air outside thru the case grilles.
b) You *think* you have the same air blowing in as out because you have an equal number of intake and exhaust fans. The reality is that you have a lot less air coming in thru fans than going out because you lose about 1/3 of the air flow on intake fans due to the resistance of an, even a freshly cleaned, air filter on the intake fans.
c) You have more fans blowing out than in which is the absolute worst possible conditions
If I am reading correctly, you have two intake fans in front, two exhaust fans on top and a rear exhaust fan . Considering the intake filters, that means that you have about 2.25 as much air blowing out, than blowing in. As a result, your case
must pull in 1.25 times worth of air as intake thru case grilles. That means...
a) a lot of air is coming in thru unfiltered openings, covering components with dust and acting as a heat insulator.
b) where is that air coming in ? The most common place is the rear slots and case grilles. Remember those blower style coolers exhausting all that hot air outside the case ? You have created a large intake air deficiency and your air starved case has few options to suck the necessary air into the case. The most likely source is coming right back in thru the rear case slot grilles.
Your case also has a big wide grille above the exhaust fan. All that blower air and case air coming out thru the rear fan has to pass by that big wide grille above the fan.... and, due to the negative pressure inside the case, will come right back in.
So after going thru all that effort to get all that hot air out of the case with those blower style coolers, your decision to use the rad fans as exhaust fans results in all that blower style hot air exhaust being sucked right back inside the case instead of nice, fresh cool ambient air.
If you have sealed those grilles up, the effectiveness of all your fans is greatly reduced. The fans will operate well below spec due to the negative pressure inside the case. Air flow will be cut drastically and SP will be significantly reduced having to overcome that negative pressure condition because you case is intake air starved.
Invest in one of these:
... and this will immediately become evident.
Lets switch it around.... with 4 fans blowing in and 1 out ... you are not sucking any exhaust air air in thru unfiltered case grilles and you have eliminated the dust problem. All the air exhausted by the rear fan and blower style coolers will exit the case and ....
now ... stay outside the case. It also must be recognized that heat doesn't "build up" inside a case because air is being turned over quite fast. It equalizes very quickly due to the large air turnover.
Your case is 22.40" x 9.70" x 22.20" or 2,79 cu.ft. Assuming ya have components eating up 20% of that volume, we are left w/ 2.23 cuft of air. Your case fan specs, say the fans push 90 cfm of air. That is not true... nor is it true that they are 19 db at full speed. Those are reported on a test bed with no air resistance. With an inlet filter in front or radiator behind actual flow is a lot less and noise is a lot more. For the sake of argument lets say they push 50 cfm as the lower it is the more it hurts my position.
5 fans x 50 cfm = 250 cuft per minute
That means that the air inside the case is being turned over with fresh air 112 times per minute or 1.87 times EVERY second. In other words that 77F air is replaced with 71F air every 0.53 seconds. Again, fresh ambient air, not preheated freshly exhausted air.
The other problem is that if you're utilizing multiple GPUs the reference design offers better cooling than the aftermarket coolers that dump the GPU heat directly into the case because of the clearance issue.
There's only a "clearance issue", if you have chosen your components poorly. Yes, manufacturers sell inexpensive boards that are advertised as "SLI capable". The chipset is certainly SLI capable but that's not where the selection criteria should end. They also sell 4 wheel drive cars that should never be taken "off road".
When building 2 x SLI:
a) Pick a larger PSU
b) Choose a case that has fan mounts on the back of the HD cage or on the side panel to blow air between the cards
c) Choose a MoBo that has an empty slot (or 2) between the cards so that your top card is not intake air starved. Without this spacing 1) what air it does get is preheated by the bottom card and, more importantly, 2) you card is intake air starved because of the limited spacing between the cards .. which will be much worse w/ a blower style cooler.
The "clearance issue" by no means goes away with blower style cards because you have made the same mistake you did with the fans. Yes the blower style card blows more air outside the case but it can not do that w/o a sources of intake air. The teeny space between the cards limits air flow and what greatly reduced amount it does get is substantially preheated by the thermal radiation and escaped air coming off the card below. Your cooler cools the GPU but all the heat coming off your PCB is going where ? Up into the card above. The "tight" shroud design provides much more air intake restriction than the "open design" so any advantage it might gain by pushing a higher % of air out is erased by its inability to get fresh cool air in.