Question NVIDIA GTX 2080 - Black Screen and Fan Overdrive


Jun 18, 2015
Windows 10 64bit
I7-8700k @ 3.7
32 gb ram
NVIDIA GTX 2080 8gb

Hey everyone. I'm having an issue that is happening intermittently over the last few days. I run a dual monitor set up. I was watching some youtube videos on monitor 2 and my computer all of a sudden blackscreens and the fans on my GPU spin up as fast as they go. It seems that this will continue to go on for several minutes unless I restart the computer. I'm wondering if you have any suggestions of what this could be or what I can do fix this up to and beyond an RMA.
Crash file on reliability monitor reads
Though on one occasion I received a liverkernelevent 141 error which I know is my GPU
Any thoughts, feedback, or suggestions would be wonderful.
List your FULL PC specs, including the make and model of your PSU and Motherboard. What happens if you use a SINGLE Monitor ?

You need to know that the ‘Live kernel event 141’ error is happening due to corrupted drivers mainly related with your GPU, or because of certain third party software. 141 Error Code is also caused in one way or another by misconfigured/damaged system files in the windows operating system.

Are you using a FRESH OS install copy ?
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List your FULL PC specs, including the make and model of your PSU and Motherboard. What happens if you use a SINGLE Monitor ?

You need to know that the ‘Live kernel event 141’ error is happening due to corrupted drivers mainly related with your GPU, or because of certain third party software. 141 Error Code is also caused in one way or another by misconfigured/damaged system files in the windows operating system.

Are you using a FRESH OS install copy ?
No Fresh Install Copy
Windows 10 64bit
I7-8700k @ 3.7
NVIDIA GTX 2080 8gb
Gigabyte Z370M DS3H 32 gb ram

I ran DDU last night and updated my drivers. Maybe its worth it to try a fresh install of OS? Or should I try another GPU? It's strange because it can go days without happening and has happened twice while watching youtube videos on Google Chrome. Thanks for your help.
First of all, doing a clean/fresh OS re-install doesn't hurt, but keep this as a last resort. Which other GPU do you actually have ? Can you test your system by using the Motherboard's onboard graphics ? Do you still get a black screen on one of your Monitors, without the GPU plugged into the system ?

Also, try changing/replacing the Monitor's cables as well, if need be. Btw, what's the model number of your EVGA 650W PSU ?