OCing my E8500

Hello all, I have a few questions on CPU temps and OCing my E8500

1. First off my CPU is running @ 45c on a stock cpu cooler no load. When I first built the PC it was at 43C. I live in Cali so it has been getting hotter, could room temps raise the cpu temp? And is this an avg temp for my cpu.
2. I would like to try some OCing not to much tho maybe like bring the CPU to 3.6 or 3.8 I heard that should not be a problem for my cpu what brings me to my next ? What cpu cooler.
3. Although I know about the FSB = multiplier = voltages. It’s adapting it all that I am on sure of. And do I need to mess with my RAM also?
4. My mobo has an OCing program with it maybe that’s a better way to go? Has anyone used that program gigabyte offers?

Thanks in advance Niklas

1. Room temperature plays a very large roll with air cooling. My E8500 fluctuates almost 10 degrees with the A/C on vs windows open during the summer.

2. 3.8 should be absolutely no problem but a cooler definitely won't hurt. This one gets recommended a lot for its value: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835233029&Tpk=xigmatek%20dark%20knight

3. A little information on the RAM would be useful but I'm gonna assume you're using DDR2 and most likely bought a 800mhz kit. Literally all you would have to do is set the FSB to 400 and leave everything else untouched and you've got 3.8GHz (there's a small chance that you may need to up the voltage a little to get it stable but I've got mine at 3.8 and it's undervolted so most likely not). Also depending on your motherboard's BIOS you may need to manually set the RAM frequency to 800.
My specs are all in my sig its corsair DDR2 800 twin 2x2 gigs 5-5-5-18 timmings

I will pick up one of thos coolers this weekend or order it i get payed friday :)

is the ram ok ?

Any programs to dload to make sure its all stable ? cpuz prime95 memtest ?

Thanks for the info : ) i will post back soon and get the cooler this weekend

The new MX-3 is supposed to be the best, but if you already have AS-5 then stick with that.