OCZ PC-4000 Gold vs. PC-4200


Jan 27, 2003
Both the OCZ EL DDR PC-4200 Dual Channel and the OCZ EL DDR PC-4000 Gold have specs of CL 2.5-4-4-7. Which would be better for overclocking?
The recent article on Tom's Hardware shows that memory timings really dont mean much, and speed is the most important part. So thus the the PC4200 would be the better choice as far as speed. This link shows the actual overclocking results between your two memory dims you've selected here, http://www.anandtech.com/memory/showdoc.html?i=1940&p=9. I personally would recommend the cheaper of the two because the two's performance are fairly close.
Actually I've done some price checking now and the OCZ PC-4200 is actually a little cheaper anyhow, so there's no reason not to get it.
The recent article on Tom's Hardware shows that memory timings really dont mean much, and speed is the most important part.
Tom's checked systems at stock speeds but when you increase the FSB timings matter even less, so there's really no reason to go with the EL.

Got a nice overclocked overvolted system to keep you warm at night? That's great. Guess I'll have to settle for a woman...