The system may not be POSTing because it detects the fan isn't spinning ('m not sure how the BIOS on that board operates but some systems will halt without a working fan). Have you tried the fan in different headers, tried a different fan in those headers or tried the fan in a different PC? We need to go through some steps to determine the culprit.
Also, can you describe in more detail what is meant when it "doesn't POST?" IS there any output at all to the screen? Are there LEDs on the board that light?
If the fan doesn't work anywhere, replace it and see if the PC works with a new fan.
If the fan works but not in that header, and no fan works in that header (or if a new fan works but the system still won't POST) we have a different issue. We'd then start troubleshooting the board and CPU (and PSU). First remove all non-essentials (audio, usb, sata cables, everything but power, ram, cpu and in this case, gpu since there's no onboard video). Reseat the RAM.
Then we'd have to move on to trying different parts. If you don't have them you might have to try to borrow them from a friend or try some way to find them:
a different CPU compatible with that board
a different PSU
it's just a detective process really.