Question Old PC game need name

Mar 27, 2025
I don't know exactly what the name of the game is. It was a space game where you shoot different aliens. It was similar to galaga but not galaga. You played as a ship and collected copper coins and grey question mark boxes that gave power ups. I also remember one of the bullets it show out was red with a green ring and there was a pink blob alien that once killed broke off into four pieces and those pieces would chase you down until you killed them. I remember playing it in the mid to early 90's when I went to the library. Also it wasn't a side scroller game
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We should narrow this down a little further. Are we talking Windows 3.1 or Windows 95? DOS? Mac OS?

Or a browser game? (I think it would be a little early for a browser game, those kind of popped off at the turn of the millenium)

When you say like Galaga, could you move around more than just horizontally?

There are umpteen million clones of Galaga, so if it is one of those, you are going to be hard pressed to track it down.
We should narrow this down a little further. Are we talking Windows 3.1 or Windows 95? DOS? Mac OS?

Or a browser game? (I think it would be a little early for a browser game, those kind of popped off at the turn of the millenium)

When you say like Galaga, could you move around more than just horizontally?

There are umpteen million clones of Galaga, so if it is one of those, you are going to be hard pressed to track it down.
I'd say it was a windows 3.1 but it could have been 95. Because when I look up what it looked like they look like the Windows 3.1.

You could move around. No it wasn't a browser game. It was already installed on the computer in the library and you could play it when you clicked on it. On another computer it had the 1989 The Prince of Persia on it.
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Sounds like one of those games that used to be playable on those TV-game consoles with the cartridges, actually played something similar when I had a console like that, funny how one always found a game matching that decryption on one cartridges/cassettes with the 100in one games ones.
I don't know exactly what the name of the game is. It was a space game where you shoot different aliens. It was similar to galaga but not galaga. You played as a ship and collected copper coins and mystery boxes that were grey that gave power ups. I also remember one of the bullets it show out was red with a green ring and there was a pink blob alien that once shot broke off into four pieces and those pieces would chase you down until you killed them. I remember playing it in the mid to early 90's when I went to the library. Also it wasn't a side scroller came
Major Stryker?





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