Question One of the three fans on my GPU has stopped working today - still safe to use?


Dec 29, 2017
Okay, so today as I mentioned above one of the fans stopped working. My GPU model is a Gigabyte GTX 980 TI G1 Gaming card. I couldn't fix the fan by myself, I will pay for a repair, but I am not sure if it's completely safe to use it until then. It is magnetic, but it also has something else than a magnet to make it stay on it's position. I don't know what is that, and what I should be looking for, but I didn't found anything strange dropped in the case. And I can't remove the other fans using the same way I did with this one...

I had to remove the fan, because it made a very loud weird sound - it had contact with the heatsink below it. So now I have 2 fans on the GPU. I know some cards are selled with 1 or 2 fans, but this card is a beast and easily uses more than 300W. And that's why I am not sure if it's completely safe.

Can I still game with it safely without worrying about anything else than the temperatures until I get a repair on it? (It will take a couple of days until i can get the repair.) What are the temperatures what I should stay below? 80C? Should I use an agressive fan curve?
From what I can find online the max temp of that card is 91°C. so (myself) I would run the card and set fans (the last 2 working) to 100% to keep everything cold and to compensate for the loss of one fan. however I do not know if that would work for too long. Id keep an eye on temps and perhaps not push card too hard until the fan was fixed
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Thanks for the answer!
I tested the card's temperature, and interestingly, it only gone up 3-4°C. Both during idle and gaming with 70% to 80% load. Looks like this fan couldn't really keep up with the few thousand rpms where it should have been working at, when it was still working.
So the temps are fine, the maximum what I reached during gaming was only 67°C, (compared to the usual 64-65) with of course 100% fan speed. And during idle, with 30% to 40% fan speed it was 42°C, compared to the usual 38°C.
Today the other 2 fans of the card also started a loud noise, but only above 90% speed. Like 1.5x louder than usual. I think I really need to change the fans ASAP. I will do so, but until then I undervolt my card, just to be safe, and to increase the remaining lifespan of the remaining fans... I hope the fans will survive a few more weeks!

With the current setting I run the GPU at a maximum of 75C temperature, and a 75-80% maximum fanspeed, unless the temps go insane.