Question Online games not loading in

May 18, 2019
So I've been having some problems with my online games such as Rainbow Six Siege loading in, and I suspect it may be my internet connection, as it is only slow when I am also streaming movies onto my TV. I am using an ethernet connection to my router, as well as my brothers Xbox, which is also connected to the router via ethernet. A PS3 which we rarely use is connected by wifi, as well as 4 phones, 2 Chromebooks, a mac, another TV, 3 amazon echos, and an iPad mini are all connected by wifi. The router is a Netgear C7000v2, and it is connected to my computer by the ethernet port on my motherboard (which is the Asus z370-e). More specifications on my computer are that I have a 500gb M.2 ssd, 8gb ram, and a 2tb hard drive. When I did the google bandwidth test, i got 69 mbps of download speed and 6 mbps upload speed. The router is connected to the network and we don't have a switch. Sorry if any of this is confusing.