I tell you, originally I collected $1000 and planned it for a major, important upgrade. Then, I had a chance (week ago) get 6700XT for $1000, considering its hard to find those now days and price is "OK" in compared to what its being sold at now days, I grabbed it and considered it "the major upgrade". Then, I realized, a game I so want to play (CP) is exactly one game that doesnt run well on this card, unstable and RT is awful (At least in current optimization of this game), I felt bit furious, rushed to sell it for $200 less than I bought it. Now I've $800 out of $1000 I had originally for the major upgrade. But then I got a call from a friend, he own computer service / shop here, in the city, he said "Listen up, I have Palit 3080 TI, one last in stock, full warranty, sealed brand new, I can give it to you at the price I paid for it $1460" so I thought, Yes - I gonna go above my original budget here, and squeeze additional funds for it, but same time, comparing it to 3070 @ $950 or 3060 TI @ $780, I get here 50% extra raw performance vs 3070 at $450 extra, it means, 2-3 gens I wont need consider an upgrade, it also means if I decide sell my PC/parts anytime in 2-3 years, this card will still (PROBABLY) have a certain reasonable market value, it also means as long as I use this card, I will have full blown experience, and it COULD POSSIBLY give a good experience for 3-5 years? so... I think 3080 TI worth the extra buck that I squeeze for this purpose.
My current specs:
Ryzen 3600
16GB 3200
750W PSU (Antec HCG750, Red, bronze)