Question orange static PWR_LED light on motherboard, PC wont turn on

Jul 10, 2022

To start, I was planning on putting an old HDD in my computer so that I can read the data. I properly and safely turned off my PC and unplugged it. I opened it up and after realizing I didnt have the proper screw driver for the job I put my PC back together, plugged it in, and proceeded to turn it on, however, It did not turn on. Its still getting power(I have since tested my PSU) but now an orange PWR_LED light is appearing. It does not boot up or anything. I have tested all of the fixes on google to no avail. My motherboard is now sitting outside the case with the bear minimums attached to it(power supply, CPU+CPU fan, and ram). The orange light still appears.

It is possible that when I made contact with my case with the screwdriver it caused some sort of shock and possibly fried my motherboard? That is just pure speculation but that is what I hear could have happened.

I have noticed, However, that my CPU fan/heatsink isnt properly fastened down(2/4 pins are snapped). Is it possible that the orange light(see picture) is going off because the CPU fan isnt fastened on properly? If that is not the case, what else could the problem be?



Asus STRIX Z270-E GAMING ATX LGA1151 Motherboard
Corsair Vengeance LPX 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3000 CL15 Memory
Intel Core i7-7700K 4.2 GHz Quad-Core Processor
No, touching the case with the screwdriver would not short the MB unless you mounted the MB improperly on it & that would've given you problems by now.
Snapped CPU retainers can be an issue and the CPU was dislocated when you opened the case, tilted the MB.
Should be cheap enough to replace given you find the ones for your MB, requires rubber gloves and good handling.
Do not fasten the new retainers too hard on it, probably the reasons why they snapped.
No, touching the case with the screwdriver would not short the MB unless you mounted the MB improperly on it & that would've given you problems by now.
Snapped CPU retainers can be an issue and the CPU was dislocated when you opened the case, tilted the MB.
Should be cheap enough to replace given you find the ones for your MB, requires rubber gloves and good handling.
Do not fasten the new retainers too hard on it, probably the reasons why they snapped.

Do I find CPU retainers(which I assume are the pins im referring to) for my motherboard or for the CPU? To clarify, I am talking about the 4 black pins that hold down the CPU fan.
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