Origin PC Opting for Nvidia Over AMD GPUs for Gaming PCs

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"Primarily the overall issues have been stability of the cards, overheating, performance, scaling, and the amount of time to receive new drivers on both desktop and mobile GPUs."

I usually hear this kind of BS for AMD cpus from sellers in stores who have been instructed to promote Intel hardware. I haven't heard this stuff for gpus until now. I guess Origin PC works the same way as others.
First our pockets, then the customers.
JMO off course.

I don't know if you trolling or being deliberately stupid. Your link deals with a farily new card and they usually have issues, nVidia and AMD. Those BSODs got resolved shortly after. I got a 7850 as soon as they were released. They were so bad that they had their own set of drivers for about 6 months because of all the issues. They issues were finally fixed and the card is rock solid, I also know of other people who had issues early own and now have solid systems. If you BSODs now for a 7000 series the issues aren't in the driver they're in your setup.

Get this latest story, I built a dual boot XP, Windows 8 for a customer and the 8570D driver is no longer supported by AMD for XP but Asus on the other hand released a driver to support the 8570D.

Laptops are in a different class. The manufacturer is responsible for the driver due to hardware customizations. Reference drivers tend to have issues that's why nVidia/AMD don't keep up with the drivers for them.


Its kind of obvious where the stupidity and trolling is happening and its right there buddy. :lol:

That was funny as hell, take my LIKE. My first reaction was "WHO is Origin PC?", only idiots buy per built.

What's a per built? Sounds like the sort of thing someone of lesser intellect would say if you ask me! :lol:

By the way did you know that folk with money pay other people to do and make stuff for them all the time, take restaurants for instance, anyone can cook a meal and yet people still pay someone else to cook it for them, why is that?
Seriously I honestly cannot comprehend what all this talk is about Ams having bad drivers? I must be missing something? Aside from sli crossfire which Nvidia has a clear advantage due to the fact Nvidia has engineered sli from a hardware level up while Amd has not. Amd will fix this with future generations of cards. I have owned radeon 9700' 9800' 5870' 7950 with a few Geforce cards, the list goes on, having played 80% or more of top computer games released in the last ten years I have had nothing as much as a minor issue here and there? Most of you simply must not understand hown to properly run a computer.
Wait... isn't it obvious (and no doubt implied) that he means computers? In any case, while he's a bit too harsh, he does have a point if you limit the argument to people who could've built them but decided to spend notably more money for somebody else to do it for them.

A strange and slightly asinine response concerning spelling, by the way.

Drivers are always an interesting subject and I've never really had any trouble with either NVIDIA nor AMD on that front, but my viewpoint is limited to single card, single monitor gaming.

If I wanted to troll, well, I guess NVIDIA wanted the same number of deals as AMD... it's just their deals ended up far smaller in scale. Certainly can't see AMD crying themselves to sleep over one boutique systems builder dropping their products, if that is indeed what they have done.
Any real enthusiast should build their own system instead of overpaying for less choices (and realistically that is true - just look at all the threads in the system build forum).

Also, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised of NVidia payed off Origin PC because that's the kind of garbage tactics they use.

That's funny coming from somebody who can't operate a keyboard! :lol:

And AMD has never paid any one off of course, EA used Mantle out of the goodness of their hearts just like Anandtech decided to give AMD a corner of their site because they felt sorry them. :sarcastic:
In other news.... Nvidia hands Origin PC millions of Dollars to dump AMD gpu's from their rigs.... That right there is the most likely story, which would be business as usual. Going by semi recent history with nvidia recalls etc, from other brands due to, faulty mobile gpus.

At the people claiming crappy drivers... Have you even used ATI/AMD drivers in remotely recent years to even know what you're talking about? I've been using them since the HD2000 line came out. I've had zero issues, outside of one specific build with an 880g chipset and windows 7, in my mothers computer. And thats been from a 2600xt, 3870, 5770, to a 7850 currently. Haven't done crossfire yet, but maybe when money allows.

And at gsxrme, that APU was made well AFTER M$ stopped all support for Windows XP. It's not a surprise that they didn't make their own driver for it, for that very reason. If nvidia were still making igp's do you think they'd have a driver for xp as well? Hmmm lets see, a basic driver search on nvidia's site for 700m drivers for windows xp, results in........no drivers available.... I can even screenshot it for you if you'd like.


Actually I have which is why I know they're crap.

Any good pc builder would offer both options, them taking a bribe to not do so just shows how poor they are and how confident they are that their customers are morons anyway and are clueless about whatever gpu they have. You have to be an idiot to buy from them when they are so overpriced.
"This decision was based on a combination of many factors including customer experiences, GPU performance/drivers/stability, and requests from our support staff. Based on our 15+ years of experience building and selling award winning high-performance PCs, we strongly feel the best PC gaming experience is on NVIDIA GPUs."

I've done work for people who have spent a quarter of a million on a bathtub and the simple fact that they have that kind of money to spend and you don't say it all really! Or are you now the person who runs a major motor racing series in which case I apologise.

Way to go on getting completely off topic.


So anyone who has money is idiotic and that's on topic is it? But a response to that comment is off topic? Get a grip!
Mousemonkey, you remind me of a tomsHW member from 7 years ago, called Sharikou, probably before your time, but still, the resemblance is uncanny.

I do remember him (join dates are incorrect) but he was an AMD advocate who spewed nonsense, I have company's agreeing with me and articles that also agree with me so where's the resemblance? Or are you saying that its all wrong and AMD have the best drivers ever?
As a computer builder myself I have had to take a similar position. I no longer recomend AMD graphics cards for gamers. Too many issues with their drivers and performance with multi gpu's.
Too many unhappy customers with complaints that you get tired of dealing with, its not good for business.
This is no attack on AMD, Nvidia ain't perfect but their drivers are more stable and consistent.
AMD is great bang for buck, but you do get what you pay for at the end of the day, and a business loses money if it has too many product returns.
Origin sees this and is making their decision based on these problems.
I do remember him (join dates are incorrect) but he was an AMD advocate who spewed nonsense, I have company's agreeing with me and articles that also agree with me so where's the resemblance? Or are you saying that its all wrong and AMD have the best drivers ever?
Well it sure doesn't seem microsoft or sony agree with you
Origin is a meaningless small company that is no doubt run by fanboys and/or getting paid off

Let's hope that going for the lowest bidder doesn't end up biting them in the arse then eh?

Your ability to understand sentences is amazing, never have I mentioned join dates. But just to be clear he joined on April 14, 2006. Do the math. It should be "companies" and not "company's", "it's" and not "its", if you want to correct other people please get a basic education first.
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