Part Time in FM05



Archived from groups: (More info?)

I'm running a semi-professional team, Stalybridge Celtic. The players
are on part time contracts. Does this do anything? Does it, for
instance, affect the number of days they can train?

You are Not entering Chapeltown.
We walk on two legs, the one abstract
the other surreal.
All important political action should be
aimed at persuading people of the
necessity of further sacrifices.
- Ardian Vehbiu, "Handbook for
Aspiring Stalinists"
Archived from groups: (More info?)

Certic wrote:

> I'm running a semi-professional team, Stalybridge Celtic. The players
> are on part time contracts. Does this do anything? Does it, for
> instance, affect the number of days they can train?
> --
> You are Not entering Chapeltown.
> We walk on two legs, the one abstract
> the other surreal.
> All important political action should be
> aimed at persuading people of the
> necessity of further sacrifices.
> - Ardian Vehbiu, "Handbook for
> Aspiring Stalinists"

Well, you do have to drive them to work after practice...

One thing is that your wage bill is smaller than a pro club, but being
semi professional also means getting "better" players is harder.