Question PC download speed has slowed from 4MB/s to 100 - 500KB/s over the past few days

May 16, 2020
Ookla Speed Test tells me I've got a download speed of 0.11Mb/s. Whereas, on my phone, the same site says I've got 25Mb/s.

Windows is up to date. I performed a clean boot and Ookla then said I have a download speed of 1Mb/s which still isn't 25.

I'm using a Realtek rtl8811au Network adapter that I've had for over a year.

All other devices on the network have remained the same.

I have scanned several times with malware bytes and found nothing.

Nothing is showing up as consuming a whole lot in Resource Monitor.

Windows is up to date.

I'm clueless.
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Hi mate,

This could be a few different things. I assume that you are hot-spotting off your phone?

If so, it seems that your phone is throttling the connection between itself and your PC. Do you have any network management software installed on either device?

