[SOLVED] PC hard reboot while running Furmark

Jul 20, 2019
Hey guys,

I have been having this problem for a while now and i cant figure out what the problem is.
My pc has been rebooting randomly for the past few weeks/months.
Sometimes i can play a game for houres on end and sometimes i can only play for about 5 minutes.
My computer just restarts randomly without any warning. Just like somme one pulled the plug and put back in afterwards.
My temperatures of both my CPU and GPU are good, i clead out my case recently, all drivers are up to date.
I do have somme fluctuation in the +12v rail, but it's withing the 5% margin.

My specs:
These are somme of my specs:
CPU: Intel Core i5 4690k
Motherboard: MSI: Z97-G43(MS-7816)3.0
RAM : Hyperx 2x4GB
GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 970
PSU: Thermaltake Smart SE730W.

I'm clueless, maybe u guys have had this issue before or know a fix.
Ive recorded the issue and will post the link.

Thanks in advance.
OK, so mainly in games, or at least that game. I'm not going to factor in Furmark because that is a very stress prone tool and you don't typically rapidly toggle the donut on and off several times while using it.

I did some checking, and if you're running the latest WoW expansion Battle for Azeroth, it may depend on game settings. Your GPU is just above recommended requirements, but your CPU is below the recommended i7-4770, which performs roughly 25% below the recommended i7-4770. Those type of games are also more CPU dependent than other games that use primarily the GPU.

What I advise is running MSI Afterburner while playing it, and set the GPU and CPU usage to show onscreen in game. If you see a big imbalance between CPU and GPU...
Your post is a bit confusing. In the title you only mention it happening with Furmark, but then go on to say it's "rebooting randomly", yet even with Furmark running it appears you have to toggle the fur donut on and off repeatedly to make it happen.

So I have to wonder, does it happen just running say a 5 min Furmark test without you fiddling with it for no apparent reason, and does it really happen randomly out of the blue with no such benchmarks or games running?

Furmark is a fairly taxing test, just let it run and don't run it so long your GPU heats up beyond normal temps.

As for your spec, the only thing that stood out is the PSU has issues with voltage regulation and other things, it's not a very good one really. https://www.techpowerup.com/review/thermaltake-sp-730p/10.html

That said, as far as random rebooting if it's happening, run a sfc test to see if you have any corrupt system files.

Follow these instructions carefully and make sure the system image file is restored and healthy before running the sfc /scannow test. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4026529/windows-10-using-system-file-checker
Sorry for my poor explenation,

I can run furmark all day without my pc rebooting.
But when i turn of and on the donut i can trigger the reboot.
This reboot also happens ingame, almost always during loading in zones and when alot of particle effects are in play.
For exaple when i load in a new zone in world of warcraft, or when i fight a raid boss.
Its only during these stress moments it happens.
OK, so mainly in games, or at least that game. I'm not going to factor in Furmark because that is a very stress prone tool and you don't typically rapidly toggle the donut on and off several times while using it.

I did some checking, and if you're running the latest WoW expansion Battle for Azeroth, it may depend on game settings. Your GPU is just above recommended requirements, but your CPU is below the recommended i7-4770, which performs roughly 25% below the recommended i7-4770. Those type of games are also more CPU dependent than other games that use primarily the GPU.

What I advise is running MSI Afterburner while playing it, and set the GPU and CPU usage to show onscreen in game. If you see a big imbalance between CPU and GPU usage during those problem segments, it's probably your CPU causing a bit of a bottleneck in that game. If this happens in other games though, especially ones that aren't CPU dependant and should run well on your CPU, you might want to run a system file check.

So ive run a sfc test, and evrything seem to be just fine.
Ive also monitored my CPU and GPU in game while running world of warcraft for about an houre and these are the readings:

I'm not sure what i'm looking for all my temperatures look alright and the usage seems fine right?
1 core seems abit higher then the others.
All my games run smooth but it just reboots randomly, i even completed sekiro a few months ago without it rebooting once on me.
Hmmm, I would have thought the usage would show opposite what it does, meaning the CPU working hard at high percentage to keep up with the GPU, and GPU slowed down due to waiting for it to catch up.

Just the fact that the CPU has only one core working hard may mean the way the game is coded, only one core is accessed for AI, which these types of games are heavily dependent on as there's so many AI onscreen at a time.

Are you playing Battle for Azeroth btw? Also, did you make sure when you ran the sfc scan you first restored the image file and got verification in command prompt that is was restored? Otherwise the sfc scan is useless.

I would also check the PSU voltages to check whether or not it's faulty. Look to see if the voltage stays stable, you don't want it fluctuating wildly and dipping low, especially under hard load.

As I said before that PSU is not very good, so I would advise running it through a stress test that analyzes PSU performance. Some good ones are AIDA64, OCCT, and Heaven & Valley benchmarks. I listed them in order from most complex to easier to use.

Of course no software test is as accurate as testing a PSU with equipment pros use, but it can give you a rough idea if the PSU is the problem. It's something you shouldn't put off too as a bad PSU can harm other components.

Here's an example what I'm talking about, but this is an extreme case and the voltage may not have dropped that low. Anything 11v or less is a potential serious problem though.
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