Question PC is trouble

Dec 8, 2021
I bought a 3060 12 gb and a 650 watt PSU. I hooked everything up and everything ran awesome. I also run 2 sticks of 8 GB ram and a i7 Intel CPU. I turned off the PC and unplugged the power cable but did not turn off the PSU and did not unlug peripherals or Ethernet (horrible mistake). I did this to add a new seta cable to use 2, 1 for each hard drive. When I turned the r PC back on, it would turn on and off again over and over. Fans would spin and then stop. I did some messing around with the cables, and got it to turn on with white shirt cpu flash and long ram flash. After trial and error, I eventually switched the ram to the other ram slots as j was reading long ram light might mean faulty ram or ram slots. I swapped the ram to the open slots, and my pc restarted itself after 10 seconds. Then there was a long VGA white light which faded to nothing. The PC also took a bit holding down the power button to turn it off. Now it turns off instantly. I'm scared. What do I do? Did I actually ruin computer?
No telling what happened, but, weither or not the switch was off means absolutely nothing if the power input was removed from the rear of the PSU. It was off.

As your first hints of a problem appeared after adding SATA cables (presumably SATA data cables that connect to SATA ports on the mainboard?), I'd remove those, and, any weirdo SATA power adapters/converters you might have installed, if applicable...

WIth power still removed/or shut off at the rear of PSU:

Drop down to one RAM stick, remove BIOS battery, and use/short CLEAR CMOS switch, if applicable, or, with battery removed, hold down power switch for a few seconds several times to drain any residual charge. IN fact, you can disconnect all drives, both power inputs and SATA data cables until we at least get a valid POST display

Reinsert BIOS battery, reapply power to PSU, and power up rig looking for a POST display.

Allow rig to reset itself a few times, and allow up to 2 minutes for initial display when coming back on after a BIOS reset.

WIll await your results....
So I did what you said and turned it back on and powered up the bios with out any data cables powering my drives. I also did not stick in my second ram stick as you did not mention to do so. I powered it back up and got the bios menu to appear in my monitor. When powering up as well as being turned on, the ezdebug lights have a permanent white light on the BOO. What should my next steps be? Is there still an issue or am I able to power off and reconnect everything? If so, what should I reconnect first.