Jul 22, 2019
Hey. I'm asking for a friend. He had a power outage the other day and now his PC wont turn on anymore. He removed the PSU and held down the power button to release any static in the components. That did not fix his problem. He also tested another PSU that was in another computer in his house. This PC was on at the time of the power outage, but either way they both didn't solve the issue. When he plugs in his PC there are no lights that turn, and no fans spin. I recommended him to get a new CMOS battery to see if that solves the issue. Anyways; are there any other issue that can arise after a power outage? Could it be the MB? Could it be the CPU? Maybe the RAM is fried, or possibly a bad power connector? Any help would be completely appreciated. Additionally there are no leaking capacitors, or any grease coming off the motherboard. Thanks!!!
How long has he had the prebuilt PC? The Cyberpower's come with a one year warranty from Newegg. If he can, he should contact Newegg about the issue. They might offer a replacement. Can he take out the hard drive and access his data?

As for MB fuses, I really can't find any for this model.