PC shuts down after a couple of seconds - using ASRock mobo


Aug 17, 2007
CPU: Intel P4 3.2GhZ
PSU: Corsiar 450W
Mobo: Asrock 4CoreDual-SATA2
RAM: Kingston 512MB DDR
VGA: Geforce FX5200

After a couple of seconds (or If I'm lucky, a minute or two) of my computer turning on, it will shut down. I just put together this computer an hour ago. Does anyone know why it is doing this?

The CPU is not overheating. It's operating at 40-50 degrees celsius.

Thanks for your help. Perhaps my mobo is damaged?
I know its tedious but re-seat everything and double check all connections and make sure the on/off button isn't sticking

Do you have a internal speaker to hear beeps?
Check temps on your chipset, and also check BIOS for any errors.. like maybe your RAM is set with wrong timings/frequency try loading default/optimal BIOS settings and see what happens.
thanks for the help guys. the temperatures seem to be fine:
system temperature is under 31 celsius
and cpu temp is under 53 celsius

the RAM is fine as well
Weird.. Could something be short circuiting? This could just as well be the PSU as the mobo I think. the mobo's I've had that stopped working never booted, they didn't even POST.

Do you have a spare PSU?

(Did you install any new hardware? I'm thinking perhaps it could be a faulty driver) I'm just fishing here...
the only thing that is new is the psu and the mobo.

i have not even installed windows yet. i doubt my high quality corsair psu is suffering from short circuiting

although i just realized, i was too lazy to pull off the asus ide cables from my peripherals, and am not using the bundled ide cables with the asrock. i dont think those may be the problem but could it be the problem?

im also suspecting that my geforce fx5200 is unsupported
Your FX5200 should be working just fine on that mobo and the IDE cable has absolutely nothing to do with this... try refitting the two power cables from the PSU to the mobo, make sure you got it 100% right.

Take a look at this picture to make sure you got em both connected.
When I have seen problems where the whole system looks like it's starting up fine, then just quits (or reboots), that is usually caused by a thermal problem. It takes a second or two for things to heat up.

Great advice from the above posters. After you have re-seated everything properly, and made sure every cable is connected where it's supposed to be, you might want to try this:

Start with the absolute minimum - PSU, mobo, CPU, RAM, and video card. Make sure you have used the proper amount of heatsink compound - preferably something like Arctic Silver. Make sure the HSF is seated properly on the CPU, and secured to the mobo. Power it up and see if it starts. You should get the start-up screen where you can get into the BIOS. If you don't get into the BIOS, it shoud then complain about no boot disk. That's fine. Go into the BIOS and look at the hardware monitor. Check that out. If you're good at this point, add a HDD. Next, add the optical drive, etc.

If you have the option, try swapping things out until you find the part with the problem.

Good luck!
