[SOLVED] PC still won't boot even with sufficient power for gpu


Oct 29, 2020
My GTX760 2GB from Inno3D won't allow my pc to boot, and after the POST's single beep, it beeps 5 times and doesn't do anything......at least when I'm connected to the integrated graphics' VGA output.

I tried connecting one of the DVI outputs to my monitor's DVI input, and it turns on, but it's stuck on the motherboard brand (Pegatron) screen, and the motherboard beeps once every 20 seconds. (it beeps in a slightly sharp A note)
After about a minute or 3 cycles of that, it loads up automatic repair but i'm not sure what or if i should tweak anything there.

pc still works fine without the 760 connected (using it right now). and i'm not sure if it's a BIOS problem

my BIOS date in dxdiag is 05/24/12 (MM/DD/YY) version 04.06.05
motherboard is a Pegatron IPXSB-H61
Make and model of your PSU and it's age, please. On second thoughts, include the specs to your full system. Is the system a prebuilt?
nevermind, i figured out the problem
it just takes forever to boot, and my pc's motherboard has been reset multiple times because of the 5 long beeps when nothing is plugged into the DVI of my 760
works great now!
PC specs as of now :

Neutron Phantom case, mATX w/ included generic Neutron 700w psu
Intel Core i5-3570
some old Pegatron IPXSB-H61
WD 500GB hard disk drive
chinese cpu air cooler that keeps it around 40-50C on idle

i have replaced the generic psu with something that's arguably less of a fire hazard :
Micronics Caslon BTC 700w "true rated" PSU

oh also it isn't a prebuilt, but i got the entire set as a....set
i forgot to add, but before the automatic repair thing came up, it was a black screen with a flashing cursor and some text that said something like
"Nvidia Corporation
All rights reserved
GTX 760"
Make and model of your PSU and it's age, please. On second thoughts, include the specs to your full system. Is the system a prebuilt?
nevermind, i figured out the problem
it just takes forever to boot, and my pc's motherboard has been reset multiple times because of the 5 long beeps when nothing is plugged into the DVI of my 760
works great now!