I turned ON my PC today, as I usually do, and I noticed that it was very slow starting up, usually takes about 1 min and now took like 10 min. When it got to the desktop everything that opens automatically (steam, discord etc) was taking too long to load. Then I noticed weird stuff hapenning, for example my discord wasnt loading at all, a OneDrive error popped up three times (Onedrive - application error), Initially I couldnt start the task manager, but after a few tries I could, Everytime I browse anything on google it failed (some error that I dont remember). I tried to do a Windows Startup repair, it failed, tried to go into Safe Mode, deleted temp files and download a free scanner, but when pressed "download" nothing hapenned, I even tried to reset the PC fully, but guess what it failed to reset. I dont know what to do anymore, Anything you need to know to help me solve my issue I will respond. Also, I wrote this on my PS4 , because of these issues.