Possibly, but doubtful. Negative/positive pressure has been a seriously long and arduous argument for years. But what it boils down to is this.
Fans work when the blade spins. That creates a low pressure area right behind the blade. Get multiple blades moving at decent rpm and you create a low pressure area in front of the fan. Which is neither strong nor large, but gets stronger and larger the higher the rpm. Upto certain limits. Basically a giant 180° bubble.
Nature abhors a vacuum, so the higher pressure area at the front of the case moves to fill that low pressure area. As that air moves back, it creates a larger area that's lower pressure than outside of the case. So air moves in through every crack and open port. That's negative pressure.
Add some fans at intake, and it does one of two things. It's either enough to replace what's moved, or it isn't. The exhaust fan will draw air from the closest available source, so you can have 3x fans at front, and lousy airflow characteristics because the exhaust is pulling air from the fan port on top, closest to it. Same works for cpu aircoolers and gpus, they draw available air and move it towards the top/rear, forced induction.
So you'll only get a positive system when the intakes are strong enough to overcome all the exhaust properties. At idle, that's rarely the caee, but that can change when loads increase intake volume.
Those pcie fans suck. Literally. Extremely loud and do very little for flow. If you worry about the gpu having enough draw to pull air from the slots vrs what the case intakes are supplying, block off the slots instead. Cover unused fan ports. Direct the airflow towards the exhaust, naturally. Increase fan volume from the front fans.