Pioneer A06 - communication failure error with Nero?


Apr 9, 2004
Archived from groups: (More info?)

Has anyone else experienced a "communication failure" error from Nero
on a Pioneer DVR-A06 burner and if so does it imply a problem with the
controller electronics inside the drive?

This burner has been used for months without a single problem, but
then the power supply of the computer it was in died out of the blue
along with a hard drive (not sure which one killed which). After
replacing the power supply, the motherboard, floppy, DVD-ROM, and
Pioneer A06 in this machine still appeared to work. However, in 1 out
of maybe 5 burns Nero would suddenly stop part-way through the burn
with a "communication failure" message in the log.

After it happened twice, the burner was moved to another computer.
Several burns later it happened again on this other computer, so it
appears to be following the A06. Is it likely the power supply problem
in the first machine probably harmed the electronics in the A06?

The warranty card says 1 year warranty, so hopefully it will be
possible to get a replacement drive under warranty. However, the
replacement drive would probably be a refurbished unit, but I guess
that's better than wasting 1 out of 5 burns. Pioneer might not even
find this error in their tests because it's so intermittent in which
case they might return the same drive as working accomplishing
nothing. Knowing what this error message means might help.

I would appreciate hearing how Pioneer's warranty service typically
works from anyone who has used it to return a bad burner. Thanks.


Oct 21, 2001
Archived from groups: (More info?)

It sounds like your power supply damaged your burner when it died.
Warantees cover faulty parts or workmanship -and do not cover damage caused
by another component in your computer system

if I was Pioneer I would say you have to pay to get it fixed... which will
be a waste of time as the A07 is out,
and probably cheaper to buy than getting you A06 fixed.

these things happen - go out and buy a new burner...

> This burner has been used for months without a single problem, but
> then the power supply of the computer it was in died out of the blue
> along with a hard drive (not sure which one killed which). After
> replacing the power supply, the motherboard, floppy, DVD-ROM, and
> Pioneer A06 in this machine still appeared to work. However, in 1 out
> of maybe 5 burns Nero would suddenly stop part-way through the burn
> with a "communication failure" message in the log.