Question Please help, GPU Buzzing Noise?!

Jan 29, 2021

After hours of trying to find the problem I’ve come to a conclusion that this noise is coming from my gpu, it started a couple of days ago (around the same as the new AMD driver update) I’m to sure if that has anything to do with it? I don’t think it’s the fans as the noise is present when they aren’t spinning. Also experiencing frame drops. Any help is much appreciated.
I can't really hear it but if it's a high pitch whine then it's most likely coil whine, coil whine occurs when too much power is flowing through the card, more specifically the card's mosfets (transistors that allow high currents to flow in short bursts) are too small and thus you get electrical vibrations as power flows through (coil whine), it's a common occurrence and nothing to worry about. SOme people get it, others don't. It's a lottery thing that shouldn't let you down, I have it, though it's gotten less audible over time.
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I didn’t think it was coil whine, and as I mentioned FPS drops are also happening . When in bios or drivers are uninstalled the noise isn’t there. Can’t find anything online about this problem? Doesn’t seem to be the PSU as I’ve ran it outside the case and couldn’t hear the noise coming from it.