plextor or Aopen?


Dec 31, 2007
Well its like this, I keep reading reviews and well, all seems to be good with the world of burning. Well nearly....

So plextor drives have difficulty reading sub channel data, according to the clone cd site. And Aopen have made a pigs ear from delivering sub standard goods, ( if the forums are correct)
So what do I buy.
Here in the UK the Aopen is £160: $200 ish and the Plextor is £185: $240 ish.
Burn proof could be relevant, but on the other hand if it only takes 5-6 mins to burn a cd, what the heck....
So its choice time help me along guys and gals
I just bought the Plextor 12x10x32s scsi and using clone cd have had no trouble with sub channel data. I even burned a copy of Win 2K in under 10 minutes. It will burn a 60 min music cd in under 6 minutes and have copied several games with the safe disk copy write protection usind detect cd for the settings. It's a great drive for the money. I here the 16x burners are comming out now tho.
I have the ide vers. of the plextor 1210. It is as goppa said. An excellent burner and it will copy a great many types of software, fast and reliably(no more buffer underruns). I have not had the opportunity to try this but it seems that people are having problems burning cd's with Safe disk 2 protection.(Some 8x drives seem not to be effected by it). It is just a rumour though. It could be that those people just don't have enough experience burning cd's.
Definitely Plextor over AOpen for me.

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