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Jun 29, 2011
I am polishing off a new build and am trying to make a couple of final selections. Most important is the SSD.
I have / had it down to 2 SSDs. Both are 128GB Sata III drives. The Samsung 830 and the Crucial M4. However, I am seeing some good press about the Plextor PX-M3S Series. Right now, I can grab up the 128 GB for $169.99 at Newegg. And saving $ is important.
I see virtually no information on Tom's about the Plextor drives. I dont even see them in the roundups of SSDs.

From what I can tell, the PX-M3S uses "24nm Toshiba Toggle NAND." THe November SSD roundup puts the Toggle Nand SSD in "tier 3," which is great for 120/128GB. And they are offering 5 year warranty, which is attractive, since this is my first build.

How is the quality of the Plextor drives? Anybody with experience? Or am I giving up something by saving the $50 from teh Samsung or M4? Just wondering why nobody mentions this unit here.

I will be using this as a Photoshop / Office system with some mid level gaming on occasion.
i5 2500K
Gigabyte Z68XP-UD3
8GB G.Skill Sniper 1600 (2x4GB)
Rosewill Future case w Rosewill Hive 550 PSU.
Windows 7 64 bit
128GB SSD (model still in question) for programs and Photoshop cache.
2TB Seagate Barracuda Green as storage drive.
Asus PA238Q Monitor
Vid Card (still not decided) probably HD 6670/5670.

The M4 and 830 are the drives I always recommend but I have also heard very good things about the PX-M3S. The PX-M2 drives are excellent drives so I would assume that the PX-M3S drives are also excellent but I don't have any numbers or concrete information to give you. I have an M4 and I love it, but $170 is a good price.


Aug 5, 2011
The M4 and 830 are the drives I always recommend but I have also heard very good things about the PX-M3S. The PX-M2 drives are excellent drives so I would assume that the PX-M3S drives are also excellent but I don't have any numbers or concrete information to give you. I have an M4 and I love it, but $170 is a good price.


Feb 21, 2012
Plextor Facebook team here - as this older thread will appear in searches let me cover a couple of the points that might be useful for others:

Quality - the annual failure rate tables I've got from 2010 show Plextor and Intel as the lowest failure rates in the consumer sector (both 0.59). I've heard that our failure rate is now even lower, but don't have details from other manufacturers. And of course we back our drives with a five-year warranty.

Techradar has a review of our M3 SSD -

There is also a faster M3 Pro which is too new for reviews

We tend to put the latest reviews on our Facebook page (search for) PlextorGlobal


Mar 3, 2012
I would stay aware from Plextor anything. I just bought a 512gb M3 and have had a month of true buyer's remorse. I wish I went with my gut. You can read more here if you like:
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