Possible proxy problem .. I think??


Apr 23, 2004
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.general (More info?)

Hi everyone, thanks for reading this.

A freind has asked me to look at thier PC as they cannot access msn
messenger, www.hotmail.com or www.corgi-notify.co.uk. The problem seems
to have come about since their young daughter installed @Kidz (seems to
be some form of net nanny type of thing to block adult content).

I have uninstalled @Kidz, removed any reference to it in the registry,
removed @Kidz proxy settings from internet explorer but it still seems
to have screwed access to these pages.

I set MSN to us a public proxy server and it connects fine, however
using the proxy server in internet explorer seems to make no

I've done the obvious such as use hijackthis to remove junk, repaired
msn messenger etc. but I've run out of ideas ...... Does anybody have
any suggestions??

Many thanks
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.general (More info?)

just realised that www.corgi-notify.co.uk uses HTTPS, so does
hotmail.co.uk and I'd imagine that messenger does too ..... any
thoughts on this and how to cure it??
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.general (More info?)

You may want to locate, download and run "Winsockxpfix.exe". Some utilities
directly modify the TCP/IP protocol stack. If you are not familiar with
this, "Winsockxpfix.exe" will return this back to MS defaults.

<nitro@calderglen.net> wrote in message
> Hi everyone, thanks for reading this.
> A freind has asked me to look at thier PC as they cannot access msn
> messenger, www.hotmail.com or www.corgi-notify.co.uk. The problem seems
> to have come about since their young daughter installed @Kidz (seems to
> be some form of net nanny type of thing to block adult content).
> I have uninstalled @Kidz, removed any reference to it in the registry,
> removed @Kidz proxy settings from internet explorer but it still seems
> to have screwed access to these pages.
> I set MSN to us a public proxy server and it connects fine, however
> using the proxy server in internet explorer seems to make no
> difference.
> I've done the obvious such as use hijackthis to remove junk, repaired
> msn messenger etc. but I've run out of ideas ...... Does anybody have
> any suggestions??
> Many thanks