posting 20050824



Archived from groups: (More info?)

I have a little man in the back of my brain. He likes to panic in situations
like these. He was looking around nervously. I kicked him back into his hol
e and started down the list.
"Thanks, but I'm going to pass," I said. "I'm not much one for the limelight
.. I save that for my clients."
"Three and a half hours for lunch?" Miranda said, as she followed me into th
e office. "Even by Hollywood standards, that's a little extravagant. Your bo
ss would kill you, if it weren't for the fact you had lunch with him."
"The ientcio wishes me to inform you that after much debate, the senior offi
cers have decided, at this juncture, to withdraw all opposition on moral gro
und to Joshua's inhabitation of your friend's body," he said. "Be aware that
this does not mean that the senior officers have fully resolved the overarc
hing philosophical and ethical issues at hand. Far from it, in fact. Be that
as it may, the senior officers have come to agree that what is moral and et
hical for Yherajk may not have an exact analogue for humanity, and that this
is likely to be one of those issues where the analogue does not exist. If n
othing else comes of this, you may at least have the consolation that you've
introduced a new philosophical issue for the Yherajk to argue about for at
least a century or two."
Archived from groups: (More info?)

<> wrote in message
>I have a little man in the back of my brain. He likes to panic in
> like these. He was looking around nervously. I kicked him back into his
> hol
> e and started down the list.
> "


Is this a new side mission I haven't seen yet ??...