So I did a PC build the other day. My case is a Lian Li 205 Tempered Glass and my motherboard is an Asus ROG Maximus Hero Wi Fi. PSU is a 750 watt Evga G+.
When i first turned on the PC I'm actually not sure the state of the LED. It may have been on or may have been off. But around Thursday i noticed it was not on. So i thought maybe that's just a feature of the case. It just doesn't have the light on because it would be annoying. Anyway I shut down the PC and then turned it back on and the light came on for about a second maybe a second and a half. then it went dark. Tried shutting down again and the same result happened. I then went to change the wires around. maybe i had them wrong. tried a few things. same result. Tried a few more things and now it doesn't turn on at all. The light is just dark. no second or second and a half it just won't turn on.
Is my LED bad? I wouldn't mind going back to where I bought the case (Micro Center) and getting a new one. The thing is only 3 days old. But I would rather not take EVERYTHING out of the case and have to build this thing again. It would be very frustrating. Plus I am using a cpu cooler that has brackets on the other side of the case from the mobo so I would have to take off the heatsink which i don't want to do.
ON A SIDE NOTE: Not usre if it's related but also just for my own learning, when i connect the power button to the f panel, i noticed it has a triangle pointing down and that is the pwr and the other should be the ground? But when i reverse it the power button still works. I thought that was odd.
Also the f panel i am only using the pwr led + the pwr led - (The wire coming from the case is one unit for each) and then I am using the power button (which is from the same wire but is a two unit plastci end piece). There is no reset button or hdd light.
When i first turned on the PC I'm actually not sure the state of the LED. It may have been on or may have been off. But around Thursday i noticed it was not on. So i thought maybe that's just a feature of the case. It just doesn't have the light on because it would be annoying. Anyway I shut down the PC and then turned it back on and the light came on for about a second maybe a second and a half. then it went dark. Tried shutting down again and the same result happened. I then went to change the wires around. maybe i had them wrong. tried a few things. same result. Tried a few more things and now it doesn't turn on at all. The light is just dark. no second or second and a half it just won't turn on.
Is my LED bad? I wouldn't mind going back to where I bought the case (Micro Center) and getting a new one. The thing is only 3 days old. But I would rather not take EVERYTHING out of the case and have to build this thing again. It would be very frustrating. Plus I am using a cpu cooler that has brackets on the other side of the case from the mobo so I would have to take off the heatsink which i don't want to do.
ON A SIDE NOTE: Not usre if it's related but also just for my own learning, when i connect the power button to the f panel, i noticed it has a triangle pointing down and that is the pwr and the other should be the ground? But when i reverse it the power button still works. I thought that was odd.
Also the f panel i am only using the pwr led + the pwr led - (The wire coming from the case is one unit for each) and then I am using the power button (which is from the same wire but is a two unit plastci end piece). There is no reset button or hdd light.