Hi, I have an old but good 80+ bronze power supply which I never used. Now, I got hold of a desktop and wanted to upgrade but that power supply did not work. The fan spins then stops, spins then stop... I tried the paper clip test on the power supply, it worked. But, when I connect it to my motherboard the computer does not boot up. I currently use a cheap power supply. I want to install a new graphics card and hence require a power supply but I cannot afford a new one as I bought myself the expensive one before which does not work. With my internet research, I think the problem is that some pin in the power cable delivers incorrect voltage. I checked many forums where people advise not to get power supplies repaired. I've also seen a person booting a computer inserting the paper clip while the power cable is connected to the motherboard. Should I try that? Is it worth it to get my power supply repaired?