
Jun 16, 2004
1. does heat really matter aslong as the CPU is stable??? and works???

2. Intel fans didn't slauter AMD fans. When the Athlons Xp's where a hell of alot hotter than the Northwood. But AMD fans do it now when intels are hotter.

3. We all know the prescott is hot. but why mention it in every post???


Aug 2, 2002
does heat really matter aslong as the CPU is stable??? and works???
Yes and no. If you don't care about FAN noise, heat issue in your computer room and heat issue in your computer case (reduce the lifespan of many components, including HDD, drives, etc...) there is no problem with CPU that runs hot. Personnaly, I care about ambiant noise level and room temperature. I don't want to buy an air conditionning unit, because I want to keep my computer room temperature to a decent level.

Intel fans didn't slauter AMD fans. When the Athlons Xp's where a hell of alot hotter than the Northwood. But AMD fans do it now when intels are hotter.
You are wrong, many complained about AMD heat issue at that time. I still hear peopel saying that AMD CPU run hotter than Intel CPU because of the old Athlon XP heat "problem".

We all know the prescott is hot. but why mention it in every post???
Because, it's the only thing we can talk about when it comes to the Prescott. :smile:

Can you blame us for that? I don't think so. The Prescott is not what it should be. It is not better thant the Northwood in most situation and it scale not very well. Intel are probably more disappointed than us about the Prescott.

This doesn't mean that Intel will not sell ton of them! DELL will build and sell ton of them. It's just that the enthousiasts don't see much advantages to go Intel today.

I personnaly thought that I would consider a LGA775 vs S939 system for my next upgrade (aug./sept.). From what I have read this week, there is no doubt in my mind : Socket939 (and even Socket754) is a better choice than LGA775. Even, if S939 don't have RAID matrice, HD-Audio and PCI-EXPRESS it still have many advantages over LGA775.

In the last year, Intel disapointed me. Many paper launch, HIGH-PRICE, no 64bit support yet, not that good Prescott and the new LGA775 will increase system cost a lot (BTX, DDR2, PCI-EXPRESS). The only good news in the last year from Intel was Dothan and they don't push it to the desktop!

It's tricky to use words like <b><font color=green>AMD</font color=green></b> or <b><font color=blue>Intel</font color=blue></b> in a signature some users could think your are biased.


Jun 14, 2004
You shouldn't let yourself be influenced by biased people.

Use your own judgement to decide what's good or not.

Prescott is a good processor, it beats most AMD processor easly and that' the fact.

Remember that many websites/magazines are biased and being paid off by companies to make the FPS/Bench marks in their favor.

So don't trust anyone but yourself and what you use.

I can tell you from personal experience with AMD and Intel that in most times Intel CPU's are better performers and provide better stability and reliability.

<A HREF="http://www.clan-chaos.com" target="_new">clan CHAOS</A>


Jun 16, 2002
Im not going to get deep into this, but although Prescott processors are better than the Athlon XP line, for the same price you could buy an Athlon 64 which not only performs better in a lot of situations, but also runs cooler and doesnt utilise a socket that breaks if you remove/install the processor more than 20 times. I love trolls :smile:

<A HREF="http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k1=7454540" target="_new">Yay, I Finally broke the 12k barrier!!</A>


Aug 2, 2002
You shouldn't let yourself be influenced by biased people.
Use your own judgement to decide what's good or not.
I don't consider I'm influenced. I read a ton of reviews/forums about technology. I can judge by myself.

Prescott is a good processor, it beats most AMD processor easly and that' the fact.
first, I never said that Prescott was bad. Prescott is not as good as it should be. Prescott is not a bad buy, but it have some problems that annoy me (personnal choice).

OK, if your beloved Prescott is so good, tell me how they beat Athlon 64 chips? If everyone is biased, you probably know the TRUTH about CPU. Please guide me! I'm a bit sarcastic, but people who claim that EVERYONE is biased are usually the most BIASED people! :smile:

Remember that many websites/magazines are biased and being paid off by companies to make the FPS/Bench marks in their favor.
Are you saying to me that most of the time reviews are biased? If reviews are all biased, there is a BIG problem... Because everyone agree on most point! So, they are all equally biased and paid by the same people???

So don't trust anyone but yourself and what you use.
No one can only trust themself in terms of technology. How could you test/compare all the products out there? I don't have the time and money to buy every CPU/MB/GPU to find out the best combination for my personnal use.

I can tell you from personal experience with AMD and Intel that in most times Intel CPU's are better performers and provide better stability and reliability.
I have good experience with both AMD and Intel system. I don't agree with you. AMD/Intel based PC are equelly stable/reliable when equipped with good MB/RAM.

It's tricky to use words like <b><font color=green>AMD</font color=green></b> or <b><font color=blue>Intel</font color=blue></b> in a signature some users could think your are biased.


Dec 31, 2007
Everyone is biased, including you!

Why do you expect us to believe some great conspiracy theory that AMD (with a tiny marketing budget) is paying sites to bias reviews in their favour whilst Intel (with a massive budget) sits by and says nothing about it.

I think you would do yourself a favour if you just admitted that you don't like to see AMD winning in tests against Intel and pulled an excuse from your butt.

By the way why do you tell us to use our own judgement and then expect us to accept the word of a "stranger" that Intel CPUs are better because he says so.


edit: fixed typing

<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by leonov on 06/23/04 03:44 PM.</EM></FONT></P>


Jun 14, 2004
I didn't say I expect you to listen to me.

The judgement I'm talking about is person own choice who he trust and who he doesn't trust.

Best thing to trust yourself and test everything you can yourself.

Read carefully what I said again from beginning to end.

<A HREF="http://www.clan-chaos.com" target="_new">clan CHAOS</A><P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by PeteRoy on 06/23/04 06:18 PM.</EM></FONT></P>


Feb 4, 2004
Well form my PERSONAL experince, the ahtlon 64 systems i own and the ones ive built, have smoked the p4, especially prescott, in many areas. the biggest area being gaming and compiling. so i have to disagree with your statement.


Jun 3, 2003
So far in the CPU forums, most ppl are biased, there are those old timers, most of them aren't biased, Rod, Trooper, you guys aren't biased, i'm just trying to join you guys, but... i'm just a retarded overclocker.

Prescott does run too hot, most of them i've built has tendency of breaking 70C in 3dmark01.

Prescott honestly isn't a success, it was "suppose" to scale better than northwood, but didn't, and it performed worse than Northwood, unless it was a cache loving program.

Athlon64 CPUs, as I have discovered are overvolted by default for some reason, so you can actually undervolt them to 1.325 on the 1mb cache desktop versions perfectly stable, the best thing i've done is to overclock by 100mhz and downvolt by .1 perfectly stable.

Oh hey rod, i just got a MSI K8N Neo Platinum! I installed an active cooling on the chipset, pushing 260mhz HT with 4xHT Multiplier, RUNNING CPU AT 2600mhz but at kinda high 1.8Vcore. Gonna lower multiplier, and see how high the HT can go at 4x.

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<A HREF="http://www.ebaumsworld.com/epilepsyr.shtml" target="_new">DON'T CLICK HERE!!</A>


Dec 31, 2007
LOL intel fans didnt slaughter AMD fans over heat?

What the...

Were u on toms at the time that the AMD was the heat king?

Thats pretty much all the really rabid fans did, bag the temps they ran at, the heat output and how easy it apparently was to crush the core.

As to why mention it in every post, its just that prescott was supposed to be Intels desktop future, following moores law and cranking out the MHz to best the opposition.

Only problem is moores law is breaking down, Transisitor leakage has become excessive and the architecture just isnt scaling.
Somewhat of a problem for a company that has marketed their cpu's with "MHz matters" for the past decade.
Why do you think Intel is putting more emphasis on the Centrino/Dothan and possibly multicore P4 chips in the future?

Ditto with the "CPU performance nomlencature" or model numbers that were soundly ridiculed when AMD introduced them.

What comes around goes around.

<b>My Computer is so powerful Sauron Desires
it and mortal men covet it, My Precioussssssss!
Mr no integrity coward.</b>


Jun 26, 2002
Moore's Law? I don't think it's a law. It's just a speculation. It isn't backed by any fact to consider it as a "law"

<A HREF="http://geocities.com/spitfire_x86" target="_new">My Website</A>

<A HREF="http://geocities.com/spitfire_x86/myrig.html" target="_new">My Rig</A> & <A HREF="http://geocities.com/spitfire_x86/benchmark.html" target="_new">3DMark score</A>


Captain Obvious suggests that it was considered a law as trends seemed to be following it.

Like in science.
Start with a theory or two
Make a hypothesis out of them.
Test the hypothesis every way you can.
If you cant find any evidence against it your hypothesis may eventually be accepted as a rule, and eventually law.
Of course at any time new evidence may emerge to challenge the law and cast it down.

<b><font color=red>Captain Obvious To The Rescue!!! (Obviously)
Captain Obvious: Pointing out the Blindingly Obvious!</font color=red></b>