
Apr 15, 2004
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i had great difficulty to beat the combine in the prison with 3 centrys,so i
searched for an easy solution and with no cheating.
i placed them near the stair,1 floor up.
(plenty of boxes to stack)
2 facing the stair and 1 facing the hall,now the combine spawned only at the
stairs below and strangly enough at the end of the hall in the left corner.
my placing of the centrys was not forseen by valve i guess,
they appeared 1 at the time and were quikly finished of by 1 sentry and me


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ace wrote:
> i had great difficulty to beat the combine in the prison with 3
centrys,so i
> searched for an easy solution and with no cheating.
> i placed them near the stair,1 floor up.
> (plenty of boxes to stack)
> 2 facing the stair and 1 facing the hall,now the combine spawned only
at the
> stairs below and strangly enough at the end of the hall in the left
> my placing of the centrys was not forseen by valve i guess,
> they appeared 1 at the time and were quikly finished of by 1 sentry
and me

There's been a couple of threads on this now. It's one of the toughest
battles in the game... until you realise you can just hide and let the
turrets do all the work.

My favourite tactic is to bring as much furniture as possible from
previous areas and build a nest in one of the interconnecting
corridors. There are some metal filing cabinets in one of the offices
upstairs and a metal door which is just wide enough to lay on its long
edge and have a turret poke over the top.
I think I enjoy this because you have to do all the design and building
work, although your way is much simpler and easier.


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rms wrote:
> Why do people crow about wmping out on this level? Let's here from
> those playing on Hard and disdaining the use of turrets or

Go on then - tell us about it.


Aug 20, 2003
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>you can just hide and let the
> turrets do all the work.

Why do people crow about wmping out on this level? Let's here from
those playing on Hard and disdaining the use of turrets or barricades!



Apr 15, 2004
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"rms" <> schreef in bericht
> >you can just hide and let the
> > turrets do all the work.
> Why do people crow about wmping out on this level? Let's here from
> those playing on Hard and disdaining the use of turrets or barricades!
> rms
it IS on hard en is the most difficult fight in hl2,so what's your problem
with that..



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"rms" <> wrote in message
>> you can just hide and let the
>> turrets do all the work.
> Why do people crow about wmping out on this level? Let's here from
> those playing on Hard and disdaining the use of turrets or barricades!
> rms

I don't hear about folks wimping out on this level. You realize that
the action don't start in the levels with those turret alcoves until
you've moved the last one each time? You gotta do something with em,
why not play around with where to put em? You have that freedom yaknow


Apr 8, 2004
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McGrandpa wrote:
> "rms" <> wrote in message
> news:K11Td.3111$
>>>you can just hide and let the
>>>turrets do all the work.
>> Why do people crow about wmping out on this level? Let's here from
>>those playing on Hard and disdaining the use of turrets or barricades!
> I don't hear about folks wimping out on this level. You realize that
> the action don't start in the levels with those turret alcoves until
> you've moved the last one each time? You gotta do something with em,
> why not play around with where to put em? You have that freedom yaknow
> :)
> McG.

It's good to try to see how many ways you can get around this but I have
got to say (and I have posted it before) that prior to others telling me
about the alcove trick I did beat the level putting the turrets just
inside the room and using the grav gun like a maniac throwing back the
grenades and manhacks. Getting through that way was bloody hard and
took more than a few goes but the sense of achievement was a hell of a
lot greater than when I tried it hiding in a cupboard :)

"I had to get up in the morning at ten o'clock at night, half an hour
before I went to bed, drink a cup of sulphuric acid, work twenty-nine
hours a day down mill, and pay mill owner for permission to come to
work, and when we got home, our Dad and our Mother would kill us, and
dance about on our graves singing "Hallelujah."

"And you try and tell the young people today that... and they won't
believe ya"


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"Shawk" <> wrote in message
> McGrandpa wrote:
>> "rms" <> wrote in message
>> news:K11Td.3111$
>>>> you can just hide and let the
>>>> turrets do all the work.
>>> Why do people crow about wmping out on this level? Let's here
>>> from those playing on Hard and disdaining the use of turrets or
>>> barricades! rms
>> I don't hear about folks wimping out on this level. You realize that
>> the action don't start in the levels with those turret alcoves until
>> you've moved the last one each time? You gotta do something with em,
>> why not play around with where to put em? You have that freedom
>> yaknow :)
>> McG.
> It's good to try to see how many ways you can get around this but I
> have got to say (and I have posted it before) that prior to others
> telling me about the alcove trick I did beat the level putting the
> turrets just inside the room and using the grav gun like a maniac
> throwing back the grenades and manhacks. Getting through that way
> was bloody hard and took more than a few goes but the sense of
> achievement was a hell of a lot greater than when I tried it hiding
> in a cupboard :)

Well see that's it in a nutshell. You can pick anyway to do it. I
never considered the alcove method until after I'd played through the
game about three times :) It was a helluva fight, but I looked forward
to those areas each time! I'd save the game manually at the start of
each, replay any number of ways. I spent a full weekend just doing the
'red corridor' one where Alyx jumps down after you clear it out a few
times....over and over and over :) When I got tired of it, I moved on.
You don't wanna go into that scene low on health and ammo tho :)


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What I did after I got chopped apart a few times is I stacked
everything I could near one of the cells with two turrets inside with
me. Great fight and a lot of fun.
I even took the office stuff from up stairs to stack around the cell.


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I think you can get through without firing a single shot.
If you stack up enough stuff around the cell the enemy
won't know where you're at.


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"ace" <.> wrote in message news:421c4f9e$0$10185$
>i had great difficulty to beat the combine in the prison with 3 centrys,so
> searched for an easy solution and with no cheating.
> i placed them near the stair,1 floor up.
> (plenty of boxes to stack)
> 2 facing the stair and 1 facing the hall,now the combine spawned only at
> the
> stairs below and strangly enough at the end of the hall in the left
> corner.
> my placing of the centrys was not forseen by valve i guess,
> they appeared 1 at the time and were quikly finished of by 1 sentry and me

LOL, I just turned around each of the turrets and kept them in their
"stalls."...I then hid in the one that was empty and picked off combine with
my shotgun as they ran by. I think I got that "strategy" from a post on
here...a *very* cheap way to do it, but hey...sometimes the simplest
solutions are the best!