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if you buy a Ps3 you will also need to buy a PC for work/email/internet.

$1,200 Pc with 8800 and C2D > $700 PS3 + $500 home PC

DX10 is the new graphics system that will come along with Vista that allows for better features such as better shading, the 8800 gpus are capable of this now none of the consoles will ever be capable of it
Its easier to make a PS3 or XBox360 game look superiour.

Developers have a single unit and a single set of hardware specs to develop games too. Where PC game developers have to make sure it works on many thousands of different combineation of PC setups, ranging from completely upto date, to 5+ years old..

It is just the same as PS3 and 360 developers having to make the games work well on the PS2 and old Xbox as well as running on the new versions.

If a developer makes a game which is only designed to run on a High End PC, it would look amazing, a lot better than 360 or PS3.

One way of looking at it is, these new consoles main selling point is High Def. PC games have been high def for 10 years, and the maximum resolution on PC games is a lot higher than PS3 and 360 games.

Also it is easier to make a machine for 1 purpose. You can cut out all the un-needed components for your machine's purpose it will speed it up and cut costs.

PC is designed mainly as an all rounder. Are you posting on this site via your XBox or PS3? I doubt it.
This isn't directed at anyone in particular.

Will whoever please stop resurrecting this worthless thread. I realise I'm not helping with this reply, but STOP THE MADNESS!!!

GD stupid console threads... :roll:
I hate to burst your bubble but the Pi test on a PS3 benched at about the same speed as a 1.6ghz Pentium. Remember the Cell was developed as a low cost alternative processor and it shows!!! Yes it can stream video and it can do in order processing but as for its abilities to play games smoothly (which are out of order processing) it sucks. Look at Assassins Creed the 360 blows the doors in on the PS3.
(FFXIII, MGS4, Mercenaries 2... and that's pretty much it).
You forgot Devil May Cry 4, Resident Evil 5, Silent Hill 5... :)

I like Survival Horrors...

Hopefully I'll like Alan Wake a lot 😀 and maybe S.T.A.L.K.E.R

Mercenaries 2 is coming to 360.... and so is Res Evil 5 and silent hill 5...

O rly? well then I'm set because I have an X360 😀

Here’s the deal: :arrow: I would like to take advantage of my 65” 1080P TV and huge surround sound but would not want to sacrifice game coolness for the ability to sit in the living room in front of any monitor I guess.

These are the games that I’ve mastered:

Machines (an old RTS)
Unreal Tournament

I found Unreal Tournament to be the most realistic and intense game I‘ve ever punished another human with. HalfLife2 was a little bit more adventurous but not as hot as Unreal Tournament.

I’ve never been drawn to a console game but the lure of playing an awesome game like Unreal Tournament on my new 65” 1080P while sitting in my Lazy Boy is pretty attractive. BUT the posture of a Lazy Boy does not seem conducive to the High End Gaming experience :?: .

The 360 is looking more attractive now, given that sony will not be including the emotion engine in the european ps3. This will substantially impede backwards compatability.
360s bc was impaired from the start lmao

anyways its all about if u want to spend more money on hardware and upgrades or not and games, if u dont lik games on pc theres no point going out buying a comp for over 1G, same for console, hell its why i went to ps3 instead of getting a new comp

u woudlnt be able to emu a ps3 or 360, u can use a mouse and kb for websites on the ps3 as well stop being retarded(i know its hard). and enough with the consoles are stronger then pcs, theres a reason u spend less on a console, because u dont hav to upgrade, and its a static platform for the 5 years that it runs. even look at the tech, similar to pc counterparts except for the ps3s cpu being unique same with 360s gpu
How are you enjoying your PS3? What do you like about it?

My friend bought a "launch" 360 console, it failed one week after the one year warranty expired. Naturally, Microsoft wants him to pay to get it repaired, but then the warranty on the repair is only good for 90 days. He thinks he may just by another 360 from Target and pay $30 to get an extended warranty for 3 years. This is piss poor customer service. It also seems to me that this is more expensive for Microsoft than fixing his console. Its common knowledge that Microsoft and Sony subsidize the hardware and make it up on the software.

Hope you enjoy your PS3. I will be enjoying Supreme Commander and Company of Heroes (both RTS games) on my computer.
How are you enjoying your PS3? What do you like about it?

My friend bought a "launch" 360 console, it failed one week after the one year warranty expired. Naturally, Microsoft wants him to pay to get it repaired, but then the warranty on the repair is only good for 90 days. He thinks he may just by another 360 from Target and pay $30 to get an extended warranty for 3 years. This is piss poor customer service.

Why? Because it failed after the warranty?
Do you go to GM/Toyota/VW and say, "Hey it's 106,000 miles; C'mon, fix it, you would if you had good customer service!" :?:

Warranties are decided by Chi-Square distribution, the point after which the majority fail, and that 3year warranty is priced based on a similar formula.

It also seems to me that this is more expensive for Microsoft than fixing his console. Its common knowledge that Microsoft and Sony subsidize the hardware and make it up on the software.

Actually not according to recent reports, at this point in time, supposedly M$ makes $75 per console in profit now;

But it's entertaining to read about the Sony Death Spiral, and how things like the st00pid Euro fiasco is just going to make it worse. :roll:
You raise good points, but again this was a launch console purchased the first week 360s were available. Microsoft had not worked out all of the bugs and the launch consoles were and are prone to high rate of failure. The console failed less than one week after the warranty period had expired. While I would not complain to Toyata if my car didn't start after 106,000 miles you bet I would raise hell if the car had a major malfunction and failed to operate if it had just reached the 36,100 mile mark - presuming I didn't drive it like a 16 year old boy.

By the way, Toyata just replace all my ball joints 50,000 miles later. Why? They recalled them do to a manfacturing error on their part that made the ball joints prone to a higher rate of failure.

Its interesting that MSFT makes $75 profit per console, but the consensus here regards the Inquirer as a both a second rate and disreputable source. He cites no source, and further disclaims that the exact numbers aren't that important. Also, the 360 hasn't had a die shrink yet, has it? How do you think they were able to lower the manufacturing costs? <- Both are legitamite questions to you, not sarcasm.

Inquirer States:
If you look at the current console wars, 360 vs PS3, you can see where things are at. Last I heard, MS was closing out the year with a profit of about $75 per 360 sold and Sony was losing about $200 per. The exact numbers are not really all that important, but the general trend is.
GreatGrapeApe States:

Why? Because it failed after the warranty?

Yes, because it failed immediately after the warranty, it was a launch unit, and should have never left the factory. In short, it was predisposed to a premature failure. Microsoft agrees,
Microsoft has "made the decision to comp repairs for consoles manufactured before January 1, [2006] and provide refunds to the small group of customers who have already paid for repairs."

GreatGrapeApe States:
Warranties are decided by Chi-Square distribution, the point after which the majority fail, and that 3year warranty is priced based on a similar formula.

Thank you for the lesson in statistics, admittedly you are more knowledgeable here than most. Us layman call it the bathtub curve. However, the statisical analysis preformed was wrong. If your results differ from your conclusion check your premises.

Per Gamespot, "Microsoft has now apparently admitted that the initial shipments of Xbox 360s were failing at a greater than normal rate."

Per Microsoft, "As part of our standard and ongoing process of analyzing repair data, we recently noticed a higher than usual number of [360] units coming in for repair"

Per Microsoft, "Returns for repair are coming in for a variety reasons, and it's a higher rate than we are satisfied with."
Link to Microsoft's statements about intial 360 failures.

Resolution, my friend called support again gave them the date of manufacter and they will be repairing it gratis. They weren't forthcoming about the information I linked to. He had to bring it to there attention.

P.S.Love the PS3 fiasco too.
You raise good points, but again this was a launch console purchased the first week 360s were available. Microsoft had not worked out all of the bugs and the launch consoles were and are prone to high rate of failure.

You miss the point of the statement. Warranty = 365-366 days, they build to try and meet that rate, using chi-square distribution of part failure, this is not new. They don't buy bullet-proof parts it's too costly, they spend the money that they think will meet their projected failures rates. This may or may not have been more than expected. According to M$ they anticipated better reliability so obvious they skrimped on the wrong side.

Second, your friend is outside warranty, even if the others had high failure rate, which has nothing to do with your friend's console.

M$' decision to extend this warranty is just like any other company's decision on such things, "which costs us less, repairing the item, or fighting the complaints and buying the PR to undo the ill feelings?"

The console failed less than one week after the warranty period had expired. While I would not complain to Toyata if my car didn't start after 106,000 miles you bet I would raise hell if the car had a major malfunction and failed to operate if it had just reached the 36,100 mile mark - presuming I didn't drive it like a 16 year old boy.

Mind explaining how that fits in with the 100K mile warranty analogy. You're inside the warranty for your example and outside for mine. Explain to me why your friend is owed anything more? It sucks, but he could've extended the warranty when he bought his first, and if he bought it from some retailers he could've bought an extended warranty even months afterwards. His decision not to pursue either of those avenues is his choice.
Extended warranties are for suckers sometimes, but anyone who can't handle things breaking the day after their MFR warranty ends, should go with them.

By the way, Toyata just replace all my ball joints 50,000 miles later. Why? They recalled them do to a manfacturing error on their part that made the ball joints prone to a higher rate of failure.

And? If ANSI or UA doesn't get involved, then it's not equivalent now is it. Higher than expected failure rates does not mean a recall is warranted, recalls are for safety reasons with cars, not because 50% of the vanity mirrors break.

Its interesting that MSFT makes $75 profit per console, but the consensus here regards the Inquirer as a both a second rate and disreputable source. He cites no source, and further disclaims that the exact numbers aren't that important.

And you cite what current sources? Give me something current to refute their statement and then you'd have something to go one.
But even still this is how M$ designed this generation's contracts, because last time companies like nV soaked M$ for every console and they couldn't reduce costs.

Also, the 360 hasn't had a die shrink yet, has it? How do you think they were able to lower the manufacturing costs?

Economies of scale. Ever make a corporate purchase? The first 1,000 cost more than the pricing of 10K, versus 100K, and as you buy more and perfect the process and pay for overhead, the overall costs come down, even without a die shrink. They made 10 million sofar, a level of efficiency is not surprising, especially since they likely get better yields on both the power PC chips, and Xenos chips, as well as HDs and Memory costs have likely come down, even the expensive eDRAM that IBM has been increasing volumes for other commercial applications.

So you tell me once again, why does M$ owe your friend and Xbox for 'customer service' reasons when it failed outside the warranty? And how do you think that 'good will' would affect the cost of my Black Xbox if M$ did that for all the people 'close to their warranty expiry'?

Yes, because it failed immediately after the warranty, it was a launch unit, and should have never left the factory. In short, it was predisposed to a premature failure. Microsoft agrees,

This is an example of the GoodWill, not a requirement. They an chose to extend that good will or not, your friend didn't have any right to it outisde of M$ own actions to generate good PR.

M$ admitted higher than normal failure rates, but still states them to be around 5% which sounds large until you look at the failure rate of other products. Like the IBM HDD case, it's more about people being vocal about the failures than how many of them happen. That it happens to people who are web connected and vocal is more of the impact than it being a truely defective product, which would have to be determined by the consumer and corporate agencies (or state attorney's offices in the US).
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