Q6600 Motherboards Whats New-Now-


Jul 17, 2008
So I'm looking to price out my build and I want to know the best Q6600 board.

I want to know whats new. Some features I'd like.
Dual LAN ports.
Dual 16x Full speed PCi
external esata port

Max RAM, as this is for Photoshop and 3D
so many mobo's will take you to a good fsb on a quad, the real problem is will your quad go much higher, to have a goodun you will have to get a go slcr quad6600 with a vcore of less than 1.28, my vcore is at 1.31 and is overclocked to 3.4 on a msi 780i, i can get it to 3.55 but no higher this is because of the chip not the mobo so be warned. at 3.4 my chip runs at 70c on full load with a thermalright ultra 120 heatsink although i can get that down by 5c by adding another fan to the heatsink, this is about as hot as i want to go....hope this helps and happy new year.....
X48 for crossfire or any single GPU for SLI 780i unless you want DDR3 which will be the 790i it depends on your budget.

the asus ROG rampage (both versions) are nice but they lack the I/O at the back, I know the p45 one has a ESATA on the back but thats it, that is off no interest to you through so

this one http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=MB-302-AS&groupid=701&catid=5&subcat=1050&name=Asus%20P5E%20Deluxe%20Intel%20X48%20(Socket%20775)%20PCI-Express%20DDR2%20Motherboard

shop around for one through or you could get a DFI, Gigabyte, I wouldn't recormend MSI much. For SLI I would be temped by the EVGAs... or you could go I7 they ALL are full speed PCIe2.0