I was wondering if instead of doing a straight overclock, which leaves the frequency at the overclocked state, is it possible to just raise the boost clock?
For example, the processor I'm using, r3 2200g, has a base of 3500 and boost of 3700. Is it possible to raise the boost from 3700 to say 3900 or 4.0?
I've already determined that my chip can run at a constant and stable 3.9 ghz, so should be ok for boost clock if it's possible to change the boost clock?
For example, the processor I'm using, r3 2200g, has a base of 3500 and boost of 3700. Is it possible to raise the boost from 3700 to say 3900 or 4.0?
I've already determined that my chip can run at a constant and stable 3.9 ghz, so should be ok for boost clock if it's possible to change the boost clock?