Question Question about twin PCIe cable

Apr 6, 2019
Hi everybody, I am currently building my first computer, the graphics card I use has a 6-pin input and an 8 pin, I just wonder if it matters which of the two cables that the PCIe cable has goes into which connectors on the GPU, the cable is split so that there are two 6 + 2 pin cables, these are the ones I'm wondering about, if it doesn't matter or if they have to sit in a special way? (basically if one of the cables has to go in to a certain connector in the gpu)

Thanks, please ask if my description was unclear haha!
the clicking part is usually towards the outside of the gpu , you gotta have the 2 pins click together with 6 pin before you insert them into 8

That wasn't my question though, I simply asked whether the cables have an assigned spot (for example that cable 1 goes into connector 1 or if cable 1 can go into connector 2 in the GPU)