Before I go and update the BIOS on my brand new x470 Pro Carbon Motherboard, (which I've never done before, but have seen many videos on) I just want to clear something up that they never mention; when putting the new update on the blank FAT32 USB, do I place the whole folder? or what's in the folder? obviously it needs to be the un-zipped folder, but i just want to make sure before I go ruining something.
The reason i'm updating is so it can support the Ryzen 7 2700 i'm going to put in there, I bought a separate Ryzen 5 that doesn't need the update to use while I install the update. is it actually necessary to use the older CPU for flashing? or is the CPU not even used until i've finished flashing
makes no difference either way, the Ryzen 5 will be given to a friend afterwards, assuming the Ryzen 7 works after the flash
The reason i'm updating is so it can support the Ryzen 7 2700 i'm going to put in there, I bought a separate Ryzen 5 that doesn't need the update to use while I install the update. is it actually necessary to use the older CPU for flashing? or is the CPU not even used until i've finished flashing
makes no difference either way, the Ryzen 5 will be given to a friend afterwards, assuming the Ryzen 7 works after the flash