Qx9650 p5n32-e sli overclock


Sep 8, 2009
I have the QX9650 on the P5n32e-SLI with 8 gb of Corsair Dominator 1066 PC2 8500 RAM and an EVGACopper Edition single pcb gtx 295. THe CPU and GPU are liquid cooled.
AI Booster = BSOD
Looking to eventually go Stryker but I was hoping to get some Overclocking with this system as is without tearing it all apart with a new board. Maybe a new board when Win 7 hits the street.
Default all relevant settings. The GPU is overclocked 675/1458/1107 (2214)

Suggestions are welcome

Heat isn't much of an issue... yet.
Set the BIOS settings manually to overclock, and don't use AI booster.

BSOD with overclock - too high a CPU speed for the chip, OR too much heat in the chip (too much voltage) OR RAM isn't running at the right speed. Probably not due to OC on GPU, but turn it back to default for testing.

You will want i7 for a SLI 295 setup, skip the stryker.
You have an EE chip. Start off with the stock default settings. Raise the internal multiplier one step. Increase the CPU voltage a little. Test. Repeat.

This should work 2 or three times. An unlocked CPU chip lends itself to a brute force approach.
i almost had it with the latest bios update but it wouldn't stay. i was hitting 3.7 and even 4.1 with a multiplier of 12. im not sure if performance at 20% was on or whether i had selected a high fsb with ai booster . it held but during the vantage test went back to 3.2 . i gave up after that and bought a new MB p5q pro turbo and threw the chip in there. wham 4.0 ghz with no problem. somewhat anticlimactic