Great news! Could come out before Computex! I'm so excited!
I am a noob and don't know what cuda cores are...
How does the 980Ti compare to the Titan X?
I think the information looks possible. My guess is the card will be around $700+ USD.
The card might have some other comprises however 5-15% difference depending on the game or the test would be my guess.
The Titan X will probably OC better and more cuda cores = more benifits from the OC. My guess is the components will probably be a bit better on the Titan X however you will save money.
Silicon lottery is also a factor because if you get a good card that overclocks well then you will also get more performance out the card.
My guess is companies will release non references cards and will offer more performance for a small premium.
MFAA can't be used with SLI?
What other graphical settings can't be used with SLI?
Nothing else comes to mind however some games don't support SLI.
For example I was playing dead rising 3 with one of my friends and he told me that the dead rising engine doesn't support SLI.
I didn't verify however i'm assuming he did the research because he has 2 x 980's/
Apparently Wolfenstein new order and old blood don't support SLI however even as 980 with an I7 will give you a solid 60 at 1440p.
If you're a Noob, I suggest you get a single card 980 ti or "Titan X" or Titan X SLI for the best possible experience and the least compromises however you will still encounter the SLI issue's.
I"m glad I got a mini ITX because otherwise I would probalby have 2 x Titan X's in SLI lol
The Titan X overclocks well however it depends on the silcon lottery. If you get a decent performance increase.
Hmm... I know SLI has its problems, but I still might go with 980Ti SLI. I just wanna wait and see how much it'll cost and that will help me make my decision.
And like you said, if a game doesn't support SLI, one 980Ti should get the job done.
the 980ti will probably be priced in-between the 980 and titan x, which in the uk will be around 750 quid which i wouldnt dare spend on a gpu, max id spend is probably around 350-400 on a single gpu but hey thats me. will be going from one 970 to two 970s when i can afford it.
With the 980Ti release coming up on June 2nd, if I go SLI, should I get the reference cards or custom cards?
I heard that the blower with the reference cards is better for SLI.
With the 980Ti release coming up on June 2nd, if I go SLI, should I get the reference cards or custom cards?
I heard that the blower with the reference cards is better for SLI.